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"The army is a pillar of our country, nation,
state, independence!"
Heydar Aliyev


Azerbaijan Army positions were subjected to fire in Gadabay direction 15 August 2023 19:47

On August 15, starting from 18:05 the Armenian armed forces units from the positions in the directions of Shishgaya and Goysu settlements of the Basarkechar region using various caliber small arms subjected to fire the Azerbaijan Army positions stationed in the direction of Galakand settlement of the Gadabay region.The Azerbaijan Army Units took retaliatory measures in the mentioned direction.

Information of Azerbaijan Defense Ministry 15 August 2023 15:41

The information spread in Armenian media resources that on August 15, at about 12:20, Azerbaijan Army Units allegedly opened fire in the direction of the European Union observers and their car in the Yukhari Shorzha settlement of the Basarkechar region, does not correspond to reality, but is another disinformation disseminated by the opposing side.

The provocation of the opposing side was suppressed 14 August 2023 22:53

On August 14, at about 19:25, the Armenian armed forces units with the support of firing positions located in the direction of Yukhari Shorzha settlement of the Basarkechar region attempted to carry out engineering works for the purpose of sabotage in front of the positions of the Azerbaijan Army deployed in the direction of Mollabayramli settlement of the Kalbajar region.Urgent measures were taken by the units of the Azerbaijan Army in order to immediately stop the work carried out and neutralize the weapon emplacements.

Information of Azerbaijan Defense Ministry - VIDEO 14 August 2023 18:22

In recent days, the activity of illegal Armenian armed detachments and the remains of the Armenian armed forces in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, where the Russian peacekeeping forces temporarily stationed has been observed.

Azerbaijan Army positions were subjected to fire 14 August 2023 13:18

On August 14, starting from 09:20 to 12:35, the Armenian armed forces units from the positions in the direction of Yukhari Shorzha settlement of the Basarkechar region using various caliber weapons periodically subjected to fire the Azerbaijan Army positions in the direction of the Mollabayramli settlement of the Kalbajar region.

Azerbaijan Army positions were subjected to fire 14 August 2023 08:25

From 22:45 on August 13 to 07:05 on August 14 Armenian armed forces units from the positions in the directions of Yukhari Shorzha settlement of the Basarkechar region and Arazdayan settlement of the Davali region using various caliber weapons periodically subjected to fire the positions of the Azerbaijan Army stationed in the directions of Mollabayramli settlement of the Kalbajar region and Heydarabad settlement of the Sadarak region of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.The Azerbaijan Army Units took retaliatory measures.

Azerbaijan Army positions in the Kalbajar direction were subjected to fire 13 August 2023 18:43

On August 13, at 16:20, the Armenian armed forces units from the positions in the direction of the Yukhari Shorzha settlement of the Basarkechar region using small arms subjected to fire the Azerbaijan Army positions in the direction of the Mollabayramli settlement of the Kalbajar region.

Military oath-taking ceremonies for young soldiers were held in the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO 13 August 2023 16:01

In accordance with the training plan for 2023, approved by the Minister of Defense, military oath-taking ceremonies for young soldiers were held in the Land Forces, the Combined Arms Army, the Air Force, as well as in other types of troops, independent military units and special educational institutions.

Azerbaijan Army positions were subjected to fire 12 August 2023 18:05

On August 12 at 15:00, members of illegal Armenian armed detachments in the territory of Azerbaijan, where the Russian peacekeepers are temporarily deployed, using small arms subjected to fire the Azerbaijan Army positions stationed in the direction of the Khojavand region.

An orienteering competition was held in the Land Forces - VIDEO 12 August 2023 11:12

According to the Land Forces’ training plan for 2023, an orienteering competition was held among servicemen.First, the memory of the National Leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev, and Shehids (Martyrs), who sacrificed their lives for the independence and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, was honored with observing a minute of silence.