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"The army is a pillar of our country, nation,
state, independence!"
Heydar Aliyev


The Chief of the General Staff met with the Turkish National Defense Minister - VIDEO 11 September 2023 19:19

The First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan – Chief of the General Staff of the Azerbaijan Army, Colonel General Karim Valiyev, who is on an official visit to the Republic of Türkiye, visited the Heydar Aliyev Park in Ankara.

Illegal Armenian armed detachments use animals for provocative purposes 11 September 2023 16:49

On September 11, at about 08:30, illegal Armenian armed detachments in the territory of Azerbaijan, where Russian peacekeeping forces are temporarily stationed, using a dog as a kamikaze attempted to commit a terrorist act against the servicemen of the Azerbaijan Army who were on combat duty in the direction of the Khojavend region.

The Chief of the General Staff of the Azerbaijan Army meets with his Turkish counterpart - VIDEO 11 September 2023 16:42

The First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan – Chief of the General Staff of the Azerbaijan Army, Colonel General Karim Valiyev, who is on an official visit to the fraternal country, visited the Anıtkabir, the mausoleum of the founder of the Republic of Türkiye Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

Azerbaijan Army positions were subjected to fire in Gadabay direction 11 September 2023 16:05

On September 11, at 13:30 the Armenian armed forces units from the positions in the direction of Jil settlement of the Chambarak region using small arms subjected to fire the Azerbaijan Army positions stationed in the direction of Novoivanovka settlement of the Gadabay region.

Azerbaijani military pilots’ professionalism is increased – VIDEO 11 September 2023 13:25

According training plan for 2023 approved by the Azerbaijan Defense Minister, Colonel General Zakir Hasanov, Azerbaijan Air Force aircraft conduct training flights.

The Chief of the General Staff of the Azerbaijan Army commences official visit to Türkiye 11 September 2023 12:01

The First Deputy Minister of Defense – Chief of the General Staff of the Azerbaijan Army, Colonel General Karim Valiyev has started official visit to the Republic of Türkiye on September 11.

Another Armenian provocation was suppressed in the Aghdam direction 11 September 2023 07:06

On September 11, at about 01:00, illegal Armenian armed detachments in the territory of Azerbaijan, where Russian peacekeeping forces are temporarily stationed, attempted to dig new trenches in front of the Azerbaijan Army positions stationed in the direction of the Aghdam region.

Military educational institutions held military oath-taking ceremonies 10 September 2023 17:19

On September 10, military oath-taking ceremonies of newly admitted cadets to the Military Institute named after Heydar Aliyev of the National Defense University and the Military Medical Faculty of the Azerbaijan Medical University was held.

Azerbaijan Army serviceman blew up on a mine as a result of provocation committed by illegal Armenian armed detachments 10 September 2023 16:19

On September 10, at about 13:30, the Azerbaijan Army serviceman, Eminov Khayyam Mahal, blew up on an anti-personnel mine buried on the supply road of the Azerbaijan Army Units in the Aghdam region by a reconnaissance-sabotage group of illegal Armenian armed detachments in order to commit provocations.

The working meeting of the Azerbaijan-Iran Joint Commission held in Baku ended 10 September 2023 15:32

The 3rd meeting of the Joint Commission on cooperation in the military field between the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran ended.