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"The army is a pillar of our country, nation,
state, independence!"
Heydar Aliyev


Head of the Medical Department of Ministery of Defence Major General Natig Aliyev: The enemy shoots at our ambulance 7 April 2016 09:00

Despite the reached agreement on ceasing the military operations along the line of confrontation the units of Armenian Armed Forces continue to fire at our positions and settlements from different directions.

Hostile forces violates ceasefire regime in Nakhchivan 6 April 2016 17:00

Starting from 5 April 12.00 hrs, immediately after the parties reached an agreement on ceasing the military operations along Azerbaijan-Armenian LOC, Armenia has started fired Azerbaijan Armed Forces' positions along Azerbaijan-Armenia state border in Ordubad, Shahbuz and Babek regions of the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan.

Information 6 April 2016 15:00

The information disseminated by Armenian mass media as if heights around Talish village that had become under control of Azerbaijan Armed Forces, have been retaken by the hostile forces is groundless and false.

Defence Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan meets with co-chairs of OSCE Minsk Group 6 April 2016 13:00

On April 6 the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Azerbaijan colonel-general Zakir Hasanov has met with OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs Igor Popov (Russian Federation), James Warlick (USA), Pierre Andrieu (France) and Personal Representative of OSCE Chairman-in-Office Ambassador Andrzej Kasprzyk.

The ceasefire regime is still being violated by the units of the Armenian Armed Forces 6 April 2016 11:00

The ceasefire regime is still being violated by the units of the Armenian Armed Forces despite the achieved agreement in Moscow, between the Chiefs of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Republic of Armenia.

Meeting was held by Russian mediation 6 April 2016 10:00

On 5 April, a meeting between the Chief of General Staff of Azerbaijan Armed Forces Colonel General Najmaddin Sadikov and the Chief of General Staff of Armenian Armed Forces Colonel General Yuri Khachaturov took place in Moscow by the mediation of the Russian side.

The latest update on the frontline 6 April 2016 09:00

The situation along the front line is remaining tense and stable.

Information 5 April 2016 16:00

During the recent days, under the name of support to the Armed Forces, some individuals have been calling up people to provide money and food support and inviting the citizens to join such campaigns.

A vast number of requests addressed to the Ministry of Defence 5 April 2016 15:00

Thousands of patriot sons and daughters, even 15-17 years old youths, our overseas counterparts, retired military servicemen, war disabled people and veterans of Azerbaijan express their readiness to be mobilized to the Armed Forces in order to participate in combat operations aimed at liberation of our occupied territories.

President Ilham Aliyev visited wounded servicemen at Central Military Clinical Hospital of Defense Ministry - VIDEO 5 April 2016 14:40

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev has visited the wounded servicemen who are treated at the Central Military Clinical Hospital of the Defense Ministry.