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"The army is a pillar of our country, nation,
state, independence!"
Heydar Aliyev


Ceasefire monitoring is ended 7 June 2017 13:02

The ceasefire monitoring on the Armenia and Azerbaijan state border near the Alibeyli village of Tovuz region held in accordance with the mandate of Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office on June 7, ended with no incident.

The next ceasefire monitoring exercise will be conducted on the state border of Armenia and Azerbaijan 6 June 2017 10:10

On 7 June 2017, the Office of the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, in accordance with its mandate, plans to conduct the next ceasefire monitoring exercise on the Armenia and Azerbaijan state border near the Alibeyli village of Tovuz region.

A new mess hall of the Ministry of Defense was put into operation 5 June 2017 19:29

A new mess hall of the Ministry of Defense, which meets the requirements of modern standards, was commissioned on June 5.

Azerbaijan’s military personnel take part in exercises "Caucasian Eagle" 5 June 2017 09:50

In accordance with the agreement reached by the Defense Ministers of Azerbaijan, Turkey and Georgia, the Special Forces joint exercises "Caucasian Eagle" are held in Tbilisi.

NATO Evaluation Level 2 (NEL-2) of infantry battalion of Azerbaijan Armed Forces completed 3 June 2017 16:12

NEL-2 of infantry battalion of Azerbaijan Armed Forces held within the framework of NATO Operational Capabilities Concept (OCC) program in Karaheybat Training Centre ends today.

The Defense Ministry leadership visited the frontline zone 2 June 2017 13:14

According to the instructions of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev, the leadership of the Ministry of Defense visited military units located in the frontline zone.

The War College of the Armed Forces conducted a scientific and practical conference 1 June 2017 19:16

Within the framework of Defence Education Enhancement Program (DEEP), a scientific and practical conference on the topics "Leadership features of the national leader Heydar Aliyev" was held in the War College of the Armed Forces.

“Garaheybat-2017” NATO evaluation exercise Distinguished Visitors’ Day 1 June 2017 18:31

On 1 June, the Distinguished Visitors’ Day of NATO 2nd level evaluation exercise of OCC battalion of Azerbaijan Armed Forces took place at Garaheybat Training Centre.

NATO representative met with Azerbaijani peacekeepers 1 June 2017 15:36

Major-General Erhan Uzun, the Chief of Staff of NATO Allied Land Command (Izmir/Turkey), who pays visit to Azerbaijan due to NATO 2nd level evaluation exercise of Azerbaijan Armed Forces’ infantry battalion within the framework of Operational Capabilities Concept program, met with Azerbaijani peacekeepers.

Two military facilities of the Armenian armed forces were destroyed – VIDEO 1 June 2017 12:39

The Azerbaijan Armed Forces’ units have destroyed a protected command and observation post as well as an optical device of the enemy's observation tower on the line of confrontation of the Armenian-Azerbaijani troops.