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"The army is a pillar of our country, nation,
state, independence!"
Heydar Aliyev


The enemy subjected to artillery fire the city of Terter 30 September 2020 08:25

On September 30, starting at 08.00 am, units of the armed forces of Armenia subjected to artillery fire the Terter city.

The enemy's military equipment was destroyed in the direction of the Jabrayil region - VIDEO 30 September 2020 01:00

Today our units have destroyed the enemy's military equipment in the direction of the Jabrayil region of the front.

Foreign military attachés and representatives of international organizations in our country were informed about the operational situation - VIDEO 29 September 2020 22:37

On September 29, the International Military Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Defense informed the foreign military attachés accredited in the Republic of Azerbaijan and representatives of international organizations in our country about the situation at the front.

Artillery units inflict crushing blow on the enemy - VIDEO 29 September 2020 16:29

Combat operations continue along the entire frontline.

One more officer of the Armenian army has been killed 29 September 2020 12:03

Spartak Kocharyan, the commander of the 13516th military unit of the 61st separate engineering regiment of the Armenian army stationed in Echmiadzin involved in hostilities in the occupied territories was killed today.

The another two more enemy tanks were destroyed - VIDEO 29 September 2020 10:15

Another two enemy tanks were destroyed by accurate fire of Azerbaijan Army units.

The Azerbaijan Army’s offensive operation to liberate Fizuli city continues 29 September 2020 08:52

On September 29, starting from the morning hours, the Azerbaijan Army’s offensive operation to liberate Fizuli city continues.

The territory of Dashkesan region is shelling from the territory of Armenia 29 September 2020 07:58

Armenia has committed another provocation.

Intense fighting continued during the all night - VIDEO 29 September 2020 07:56

Intense fighting continued along the entire length of the front in the night from 28 to 29 September.

Several more enemy military vehicles were destroyed - VIDEO 28 September 2020 16:58

As a result of precise strikes by Azerbaijan Army units, several more combat vehicles belonging to the Armenian armed forces were destroyed in different directions of the front.