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"The army is a pillar of our country, nation,
state, independence!"
Heydar Aliyev


Video recording of the destruction of enemy artillery pieces - VIDEO 1 October 2020 10:51

Azerbaijan Defense Ministry’s official Telegram channel has been created 1 October 2020 10:20

Azerbaijan Defense Ministry’s official Telegram channel ( is available starting from October 1.

The enemy resumed shelling of Terter city 1 October 2020 09:51

On October 1 in the morning, units of the armed forces of Armenia again initiated shelling of Terter city.

During the night battles, artillery strikes were inflicted on the enemy – VIDEO 1 October 2020 08:45

During the night battles, the Azerbaijan Army Units inflicted crushing artillery strikes on the positions of the Armenian armed forces stationed in occupied territories.

The enemy military convoys were destroyed - VIDEO 1 October 2020 01:00

The enemy military convoys moving in different directions were destroyed by our military units.

List of the enemy’s destroyed military equipment - VİDEO 1 October 2020 00:21

From the morning of September 27 to September 30 21.30, the enemy suffered significant losses in manpower, military and combat equipment and was forced to retreat from previously taken positions and important areas of the terrain along the entire front.

Enemy’s eight "Grad" multiple launch rocket systems were destroyed - VIDEO 30 September 2020 21:51

As a result of the combat operations of the Azerbaijan Army Units conducted today in the evening, enemy’s 8 "Grad" multiple launch rocket systems were destroyed.

The battle flag and documents of the enemy battalion were intercepted 30 September 2020 19:20

Today, during the fighting in the Aghdara (Madagiz) direction, the battle flag and documents of the 193rd separate assault battalion, which arrived to support the 6th defeated mountain rifle regiment of the Armenian army were intercepted.

Enemy’s military equipment destroyed before 17:30 today - VIDEO 30 September 2020 18:58

Until 17:30, Azerbaijan Army Units destroyed and disabled 2 combat vehicles of the “OSA-AKM” anti-aircraft missile system, 1 “Uragan” multiple launch rocket system, 4 BM-21 “Grad” multiple launch rocket systems, 4 D-20 gun-howitzers, 16 tanks, 1 infantry fighting vehicle and 2 trucks with military personnel.

Eight more units of enemy military equipment were destroyed in the last hours - VIDEO 30 September 2020 17:22

Over the past hours, 1 "Uragan" multiple launch rocket system (MLRS), 1 "OSA" anti-aircraft missile system, 3 MLRS BM-21 "Grad", 1 infantry fighting vehicle, and 2 D-20 gun-howitzer of the enemy were destroyed in various directions of the front.