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"The army is a pillar of our country, nation,
state, independence!"
Heydar Aliyev


The process of distributing conscripts to military units has been completed 28 June 2021 19:02

The process of distributing newly recruited conscripts with an aim of manning military units of the Azerbaijan Army has been ended.

Video footage of the Sheylanli village of the Lachin region - VIDEO 28 June 2021 17:02

A number of measures are taken due to the rise in air temperature 28 June 2021 16:16

Due to the rise in temperature, appropriate measures are being taken in military units and formations to prevent heat and sunstroke among the military personnel of the Azerbaijan Army.

Azerbaijani-Turkish joint exercises started in Baku 28 June 2021 12:07

According to the agreement on military cooperation between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Turkey, the "Mustafa Kemal Ataturk - 2021" Joint Live-Fire Tactical Exercises have started in Baku on June 28.

Video footage of the Zangilan village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO 28 June 2021 10:37

Armenian armed forces subjected to fire positions of the Azerbaijan Army in the direction of the Tovuz region 27 June 2021 23:46

On June 27, at about 20:40, the Armenian armed forces units in the positions located near Kolagir village of the Berd region using small arms subjected to fire positions of the Azerbaijan Army in the direction of Garalar village of Tovuz region.

Azerbaijani military pilots accomplished the next tasks in the "Anatolian Eagle - 2021" Exercises 27 June 2021 13:36

The "Anatolian Eagle - 2021" International Flight-Tactical Exercises held with the participation of Azerbaijani military pilots in Konya, Turkey continue.

Armenian armed forces subjected to fire positions of the Azerbaijan Army in the direction of the Kalbajar region 27 June 2021 10:42

On June 26, starting from 14:50 to about 03:00, June 27 units of the Armenian armed forces in the positions located near Yukhari Shorzha village of the Vardenis region using small arms periodically subjected to fire positions of the Azerbaijan Army in the direction of Zeylik and Imambinasi villages of Kalbajar region.

Combined Arms Army’s servicemen were awarded – VIDEO 26 June 2021 17:55

On the occasion of June 26, the Day of the Armed Forces, events were held in the Combined Arms Army, and servicemen were awarded.

Azerbaijan Army held a series of events on the occasion of 26 June – Armed Forces Day 26 June 2021 17:48

A series of events on the occasion of 26 June – Armed Forces Day were held in the Combined Arms Army, Air Force, Naval Forces, Army Corps, formations, and special military-educational institutions.