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"The army is a pillar of our country, nation,
state, independence!"
Heydar Aliyev


1 April 2021 18:23

The memory of the National Hero Shukur Hamidov was honored - VIDEO

A remembrance ceremony of the National Hero of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Colonel Shukur Hamidov was held at the Military Lyceum named after Jamshid Nakhchivanski. At first, the memory of the national leader Heydar Aliyev and the Shehids (Martyrs) who died for the liberation of our lands was honored with observing a minute of silence. The State Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was performed.
During the event organized by the Army Ideological and Cultural Center named after Hazi Aslanov detailed information about the National Hero was given. It was also emphasized that our people are rightfully proud of such brave sons as Sh. Hamidov.
Colonel Sh. Hamidov's father, Nariman Hamidov speaking at the ceremony shared his memories of his heroic son. He expressed deep gratitude to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Mr. Ilham Aliyev, and the leadership of the Ministry of Defense for preserving the blessed memory of his son.
At the end, a short film about the hero was shown.