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"The army is a pillar of our country, nation,
state, independence!"
Heydar Aliyev


20 February 2021 11:11

The family of the Shehid (martyr), the commander of the battalion of the Azerbaijan Army was awarded the NATO Meritorious Service Medal - VIDEO

A commemoration ceremony dedicated to the deceased officer of the Azerbaijan Army, Major Rahim Gadir Huseynov, who graduated from the "Officer course" of the specialized military educational institution, was held in the Training and Education Center of the Armed Forces.
The ceremony was attended by the officials of the Ministry of Defense, members of the Shehid's family, representatives of the military unit in which he served, military institutions where he studied, as well as of the public.
First, the memory of our national leader Heydar Aliyev, the sons of our Motherland who died for the independence and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan was honored with observing a minute of silence. The National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was performed.
Our brave officer, fluent in English, Russian and Armenian, possessing high moral qualities and qualities of a strong-willed person, always honorably represented the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan at international events held within the framework of NATO exercises and courses.
It was noted that during the Patriotic War that started on September 27, 2020, in response to the military aggression of Armenia, the commander of the peacekeeping battalion, Major Rahim Huseynov, together with his military personnel, showed heroism and courage in the battles for the liberation of our occupied territories. He successfully fulfilled combat tasks on destroying the enemy during combat operations in the Jabrayil, Fizuli, and Gubadli regions.
The brave battalion commander died heroically in the battles for the liberation of Gubadli on October 20, 2020, and rose to the highest level - to the heights of Martyrdom.
The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the victorious Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Mr. Ilham Aliyev awarded our brave officer with the "Karabakh" Order, the Medal "For Motherland, the Medal "For the liberation of Jabrayil", the Medal "For the liberation of Gubadli".
It was noted that based on 2020 results, Major Huseynov Rahim Gadir, the former commander of the battalion of the Azerbaijan Army, was awarded the NATO Meritorious Service Medal.
Deputy Minister of Defense, Lieutenant General Kerim Veliyev, welcoming the participants of the event on behalf of the leadership of the Ministry of Defense, expressed deep gratitude to the parents of the Shehid (martyr) for raising such a brave son for the Motherland and presented the most prestigious NATO medal to Hikmet, the eldest son of Major Rahim Huseynov.