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"The army is a pillar of our country, nation,
state, independence!"
Heydar Aliyev


17 March 2022 15:36

The event "Masterpiece of the Great Return-Shusha!" was held

On March 16, the event “Masterpiece of the Great Return-Shusha!" dedicated to the 270th anniversary of the establishment of the Shusha city was organized by the Museum of Military History of Azerbaijan at the Training and Educational Center of the Azerbaijan Army.
At the beginning of the event held with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Defense, teaching staff and students of the Art Accent Academy, and public representatives, the memory of the national leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev and Shehids (Martyrs) who sacrificed their lives for the independence and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan was honored with observing a minute of silence. The National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was performed.
The speakers at the event noted that the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev declared 2022 as “Year of Shusha” in honor of the Shusha city's 270th anniversary, and also stressed that the state pays special attention to the protection and propaganda of our national cultural and historical heritage.
It was noted that the historical victory of our army in the Patriotic War, the liberation of Shusha is one of the most memorable and glorious pages of the military history of Azerbaijan.   With his invincible will, high fighting spirit, and courage, the Azerbaijani soldier, along with the enemy, showed the whole world the strength and power of our army, liberating our cultural cradle from occupation.
Afterwards a documentary film dedicated to Shusha and an exhibition of paintings by students of the Art Accent Academy were shown.
In the end, military-patriotic songs were performed by the soloists of the Army Ideological and Cultural Center named after Hazi Aslanov, as well as the Training and Educational Center of the Azerbaijan Army.