Tactical-special exercises on “Conducting combat operations in severe cold” was held with Special forces units of the Combined Arms Army.
The exercises were held with the units involved in order to conduct combat rescue operations in severe cold with high professionalism, to improve the knowledge and skills of the command staff of the units.
During the training, the units' capability to settle in the area in winter conditions and equipment were inspected. The servicemen, who were provided with supplies, various mountain equipment and food for snowy and blizzard weather conditions, settled and spent the night in the shelters prepared by them in the training area.
In the practical classes held within the exercises, the military personnel was informed about the urgent measures taken during frostbite in high-mountainous areas, the provision of first aid in harsh climatic conditions in areas with sharp relief and the rules for the safe evacuation of the wounded from the battlefield.
In the tactical-special exercises, where the skills of the military personnel to accomplish combat tasks in severe cold weather were inspected, special forces groups carried out tactical activities in the rear of an imaginary enemy in the daylight hours and at nighttime. According to the assigned task, attack activities were carried out with groups in the territory of the deployment of an imaginary enemy.
After medical aid was provided to the serviceman who was injured during the attack operations, he was evacuated by military transport vehicles.
The aims set during the exercises were achieved, the military personal personnel's skiing habits and firing skills in moving and stationary states were improved on the snow and ice.