In accordance with the Joint Action Plan for 2021 signed by the Ministry of Defense and the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, on May 4, Ombudsman Sabina Aliyeva and the representatives of the Office visited one of the military units of the Naval Forces.
The memory of the national leader Heydar Aliyev was honored, and flowers were laid at his bust. Rear Admiral Subkhan Bekirov, Commander of the Naval Forces, informed the guests about the establishment and activities of the Naval Forces. Then the Ombudsman signed the “Book of Honor” of the Naval Forces.
The parties exchanged memorable gifts.
Then the guests got acquainted with the conditions created for the personnel in the military unit, went up on the deck of the ships, inspected the mariners' dormitory, the canteen, and other facilities. After giving a lecture on the protection of the rights of the servicemen, S. Aliyeva presented gifts to a group of servicemen who had distinguished themselves in the service.
At the end of the visit, a group photo was taken.