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"The army is a pillar of our country, nation,
state, independence!"
Heydar Aliyev


21 July 2023 12:33

Military Police Department held a seminar

According to the training plan for the current year, the Military Police Department of the Ministry of Defense held a seminar on the organization of the troops’ service with the participation of the main assistants of the chiefs of branches (subdivisions) for operational and combat training of the Army Corps and formations of the Azerbaijan Army.
First, the memory of the National Leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev, and Shehids (Martyrs), who sacrificed their lives for the independence and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, was honored with observing a minute of silence.
According to the instructions of the First Deputy Minister of Defense – Chief of the General Staff of the Azerbaijan Army, the state of the troops' service in the military units of the Defense Ministry defined during the inspections in the summer and winter training periods of 2022-2023 was analyzed at the seminar.
Reports and recommendations were given on complying with the orders and directives of the Minister of Defense and the Chief of the General Staff, preparing documents on the organization of the troops’ service, organizing internal service, garrison and guard services, as well as paramilitary security and other issues.
In the end, the instructions of the Defense Ministry’s leadership on the organization of service and combat activities, the troops’ service and combat duty were delivered to the seminar participants.