Information on military equipment, weapons and ammunition seized after the completion of local anti-terror measures conducted in Azerbaijan's Karabakh region as of 10:00 on September 29.
1. Small arms – 1151
2. Grenade launchers – 84
3. Cannons and howitzers – 16
4. Mortars – 39
5. Anti-tank weapons – 22
6. Air Defense weapons – 133
1. Armored vehicles – 18
2. Auto vehicles – 136
3. Trailers – 21
4. Auxiliary vehicles – 5
1. Rockets – 984
2. Cannon and howitzer shells – 2722
3. Anti-aircraft cannon shells – 2627
4. Mortar shells – 6653
5. Grenades – 2266
6. Hand grenades – 1368
7. Bullets – 652842
8. Other ammunition – 2132
1. Optical devices – 216
2. Other devices – 31
1. Individual accoutrements – 677
2. Various weapons accessories – 8
3. Other accoutrements – 2076