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"The army is a pillar of our country, nation,
state, independence!"
Heydar Aliyev


2 March 2022 20:20

Meetings on admission to special educational institutions are being held

A propaganda team established in the Ministry of Defense to provide explanatory information about the rules of admission to special educational institutions holds meetings with schoolchildren, parents, and teachers of secondary schools of the republic.
At the meetings, an exchange of views is held on instilling interest in the officer profession, on the further effective organization of military-patriotic work in secondary educational institutions, as well as proposals and wishes of military leaders are considered.
Officers of the Ministry of Defense gave detailed information about the rules of admission to the Azerbaijan Military Academy named after Heydar Aliyev, Military Medical Faculty, military lyceums named after Heydar Aliyev and Jamshid Nakhchivanski, spoke about the provision of schools, social and living conditions, as well as answered questions about admission.
The meetings also feature videos about military schools and films on military patriotism.