The area of 134 hectares was completely cleared of landmines and unexploded ordnance as a result of the activities of Azerbaijan Army’s engineer-sapper units in the liberated territories on December 1-12 of the current year.
Besides, to keep evacuation routes in a constant working state and to ensure the safe and uninterrupted movement of vehicle and combat equipment, 1069 meters of roads were cleared of snow during the mentioned period, and 260 meters of new supply roads were laid by engineer-sapper units.
During 2023 in a total of 6,863 hectares of area 234 anti-personnel mines, 706 anti-tank mines and 1405 unexploded ordnance were detected and neutralized by engineer-sapper units. 1,730 meters of roads were cleared of snow, and 13,660 meters of new roads were laid as well.
The main efforts are focused on demining settlements, sowing plots, roads, and infrastructure facilities in the liberated territories.
Some of the mines and unexploded ordnance detected in the Karabakh economic region were destroyed by detonation and burning methods in the Godakburun training center of Aghdara region.
Media representatives watched the process of destroying mines and unexploded ordnance.
Other necessary activities on detecting and neutralizing mines and unexploded ordnance, as well as on engineering support continue in a planned manner in the liberated territories.