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"The army is a pillar of our country, nation,
state, independence!"
Heydar Aliyev


16 December 2021 18:00

Live-fire tactical exercises were held within the units of the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Live-fire tactical exercises were held within the units of the Combined Army Arms. In addition to motorized and mechanized units, reinforcing units were also involved in the exercises.
According to the plan, the units were put on alert and withdrawn to the exercise areas.
Motorized rifle and mechanized units were reinforced with drones, tanks and anti-tank weapons, as well as supported by mortar fire in order to plan and conduct modern combined-arms combat operations, as well as achieve combat interoperability in conditions close to combat.
In the occurred difficult situation, the units, which carried out the combat mission in a timely and accurate manner, destroyed firearms, manpower, and armored vehicles stationed on the foremost line and in the closest depth of the imaginary enemy defense.
As a result of the decisive and successful accomplishment of combat missions in a short period of time, the interoperability of the units were achieved.