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"The army is a pillar of our country, nation,
state, independence!"
Heydar Aliyev


27 August 2020 13:05

Exchange of experience between the commanders of the units of the two fraternal countries is being held as part of the exercises in Nakhchivan - VIDEO

Exchange of experience between the commanders of the units of the two fraternal countries is being held as part of the course of the Azerbaijani-Turkish Joint Large-Scale Tactical and Flight-Tactical Exercises in Nakhchivan.
Computer exercises conducted at the Simulation Center of the Nakhchivan garrison with the aim of improving the skills and abilities of the commanders to make decisions in a short time in accordance with the current tactical situation and report to the higher headquarters, as well as to bring them to their subordinates and organize combat operations, are continued.
During the exercise, the commanders work out the issues of ensuring the covert movement of units using the terrain features, as well as control units and fire in conditions of limited visibility.