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"The army is a pillar of our country, nation,
state, independence!"
Heydar Aliyev


14 June 2024 17:10

Baku hosts meeting between Defense Ministers of Azerbaijan and Serbia - VİDEO

On June 14, a delegation led by the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Serbia Mr. Bratislav Gašić arrived on an official visit in Azerbaijan at the invitation of the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Colonel General Zakir Hasanov.
The Serbian delegation visited the graves of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev and prominent ophthalmologist, academician Zarifa Aliyeva in the Alley of Honor and laid flowers. In the Alley of Shehids (Martyrs) the visitors laid flowers at the graves of Shehids, who sacrificed their lives for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. Wreath was laid at the Eternal Flame monument.
Then, the Azerbaijan Defense Ministry hosted a solemn welcoming ceremony, both Ministers passed along the guard of honor. The national anthems of Azerbaijan and Serbia were performed. In accordance with the protocol, Mr. Gašić signed the Book of Honor.
Colonel General Z.Hasanov greeted the Serbian guests and expressed satisfaction with seeing the them in Azerbaijan. The Minister emphasized that relations based on strategic partnership between Azerbaijan and Serbia are at a high level and noted the importance of further developing joint military cooperation.
Then, the Azerbaijan Defense Minister highlighted the situation in the region and emphasized that the Armenian armed forces’ formations and illegal Armenian armed detachments were completely withdrawn from the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan after the Patriotic War and the anti-terror operation.
Colonel General Z.Hasanov invited Mr. Gašić to attend the 5th Azerbaijan International Defense Exhibition ADEX to be held in Baku in September 2024.
Mr. Gašić, in his turn, expressed satisfaction with the official visit to Azerbaijan. Expressing gratitude for the warm welcome and hospitality, the Serbian Defense Minister congratulated his Azerbaijani counterpart on the Victory in the Patriotic War. He highlighted the readiness for cooperation between Azerbaijan and Serbia in all spheres.
The meeting held a detailed exchange of views on the current state and prospects for the development of relations in the military, military-technical, military-educational spheres, regional security and discussed a number of issues of common interest.