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"The army is a pillar of our country, nation,
state, independence!"
Heydar Aliyev


25 May 2021 12:00

A media tour was organized for media representatives to familiarize with engineering equipment – VIDEO

The work is underway to improve logistic support of the Azerbaijan Army’s Engineering Troops. Modern engineering machinery and equipment purchased from Turkey are being adopted into the armament of the Azerbaijan Army.
On May 25, a media tour was organized for media representatives to familiarize with the new engineering machinery and equipment used to accelerate the work on clearance of the liberated territories of mines and strengthen security measures.
Work on clearance of the territories of mines and unexploded ordnance using modern technology and equipment was practically demonstrated to the media representatives by Engineer-sapper units.
Media representatives were informed in detail about the involvement of servicemen in the course on in-depth study and skillful use of new technology and equipment.
At the end of the event, the servicemen who successfully completed the course were awarded the relevant certificates.