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"The army is a pillar of our country, nation,
state, independence!"
Heydar Aliyev

Center for documentary and educational films of the Azerbaijan Army

Athletics competitions among servicemen are held - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army conducts comprehensive measures on transferring weapons and equipment into autumn-winter operation mode - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Air Force aircraft conduct training flights - VIDEO

Rocket and Artillery units fulfill firing tasks - VIDEO

Tajik delegation visits military institute in Baku - VIDEO

National Defense University launches Chinese Language course - VIDEO

Chief of General Staff of Azerbaijan Army meets with NATO delegation - VIDEO

Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan discuss military cooperation issues - VIDEO

Hungarian guests visited a military unit - VIDEO

Competition for the title of Best Tank Company held - VIDEO

Practical shooting exercises from sniper rifles are fulfilled - VIDEO

Artillery Units of Combined Arms Army hold tactical exercise - VİDEO

Special Forces Units of the Combined Arms Army conduct Tactical-Special Exercise - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army holds several events with regard to 27 September – Remembrance Day - VIDEO

Leadership of the Azerbaijan Defense Ministry commemorates National Leader and Martyrs - VIDEO

National Defense University booth is of interest - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister got acquainted with the samples of military weapons and equipment presented at the exhibition - VIDEO

Prospects for Azerbaijani-Russian military-technical cooperation discussed - VIDEO

JF-17C multirole aircrafts presented to President Ilham Aliyev - VIDEO

Prospects for Azerbaijani-Turkish military cooperation discussed - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev viewed “ADEX-2024" and "Securex Caspian" exhibitions - VIDEO

Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan discuss military cooperation - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Ministry’s leadership attends the opening ceremony of International Defense Exhibition ADEX - VIDEO

Turkish military leadership is visiting Baku - VIDEO

Russian delegation visits the Military Police Department of Azerbaijan Defense Ministry - VIDEO

Eternal Brotherhood – III multinational exercise ended - VIDEO

Special educational institutions hold Military Oath-taking ceremonies - VIDEO

Naval Forces conduct an Explosive Ordnance Disposal Course - VIDEO

Event on anniversary of establishment of the first national military unit in Nakhchivan held - VIDEO

Artillery units of Combined Arms Army conduct exemplary live-fire tactical exercise - VIDEO

Eternal Brotherhood – III multinational exercise continues - VIDEO

Opening ceremony of Eternal Brotherhood – III multinational exercise held - VIDEO

Air Force units hold airborne and practical parachute jump exercises - VIDEO

Marine units personnel of Navy hold exercise - VIDEO

Engineering units hold sessions - VIDEO

Air Force holds live-fire exercise - VIDEO

Artillery units conduct exemplary live-fire tactical exercise - VİDEO

Combat shots were carried out using the Smerch rocket launcher systems – VİDEO

Air Defense troops conduct tactical-special exercise with radio technical units - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army holds Military Oath-taking ceremonies - VIDEO

Air Defense Units hold tactical-special exercise - VIDEO

Helicopter units of the Azerbaijan Air Force hold training flights - VIDEO

Mechanized units enhance combat capabilities - VIDEO

Massive scale anti-personnel mine found in Lachin region - VIDEO

Tactical-special exercise is ongoing in Land Forces - VIDEO

NDU's booth watched with great interest at the SEC exhibition - VIDEO

Artillery units hold tactical special exercise - VIDEO

Commando training exercises are held with cadets of military institute - VIDEO

Training of young soldiers is always in the spotlight - VIDEO

Naval Forces faculty cadets hold practical classes - VIDEO

Military pilots conduct training flights - VIDEO

Professionalism of snipers increased - VIDEO

“Birlestik-2024” international exercise ends - VIDEO

“Birlestik-2024” exercise demonstrates tactical episode - VIDEO

Leadership of Azerbaijan Defense Ministry continues visit to Kazakhstan - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister visits Kazakhstan - VIDEO

Admission of new conscripts in military units continues - VIDEO

Azerbaijani military pilots demonstrate high professionalism in “Birlestik-2024” exercise - VİDEO

Azerbaijani servicemen demonstrate professionalism at the “Birlestik-2024” exercise - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev viewed military exhibition in the "National Aerospace Science and Technology Park" located at the Pakistan Air Force Base Nur Khan - VIDEO

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev held expanded meeting with President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari in Islamabad - VIDEO

State reception on behalf of President of Pakistan was hosted in honor of President of Azerbaijan - VIDEO

Opening ceremony of “Birlestik-2024” exercise was held - VIDEO

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev held expanded meeting with Prime Minister of Pakistan Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif in Islamabad - VIDEO

Cadets accomplish practical shooting exercises - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army servicemen arrive in Kazakhstan to participate in “Birlestik-2024” exercise - VIDEO

Considerable amount of ammunition found in Khojaly

Azerbaijan Defense Minister meets with Hungarian counterpart in Budapest - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army holds a series of events - VIDEO

Solemn ceremony held on the occasion of 26 June - Armed Forces Day - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister meets with Italian counterpart - VIDEO

Graves of the Great Leader and Shehids are visited on the occasion of the Armed Forces Day - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev received delegation led by Minister of Defense of Italy - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev viewed military transport aircraft produced by Italian "Leonardo" company - VIDEO

Military Institute named after Heydar Aliyev holds next graduation ceremony - VIDEO

Fire protection team leaders hold training-methodical session – VIDEO

Media tours are organized on the eve of the Armed Forces Day - VIDEO

Tactical-special exercise with radiological, chemical and biological defense units is held

Chief of General Staff of Azerbaijan Army starts the visit to Serbia - VIDEO

Event held on anniversary of Military Publishing House - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army holds a series of events on the occasion of the National Salvation Day - VIDEO

Military Lyceum named after Jamshid Nakhchivanski held its 52nd graduation ceremony - VIDEO

Chief of General Staff of Azerbaijan Army watches tactical-special exercise of engineering units - VIDEO

Baku hosts meeting between Defense Ministers of Azerbaijan and Serbia - VİDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister meets with Chinese military delegation - VIDEO

Caucasian Eagle - 2024 exercise holds solemn closing ceremony - VIDEO

The graduation ceremony of the next Officer Training Course held – VIDEO

Information of Azerbaijan Defense Ministry - VIDEO

Caucasian Eagle - 2024 joint exercise ended - VIDEO

Caucasian Eagle - 2024 exercise holds Distinguished Visitors Day - VIDEO

Azerbaijan and Georgia discuss prospects for development of military cooperation - VİDEO

Training session of reservists held in Nakhchivan - VIDEO

Caucasian Eagle - 2024 exercise carries out joint activities - VIDEO

Caucasian Eagle - 2024 exercise accomplished tasks at nighttime - VIDEO

Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan sign document on cooperation in military field - VIDEO

Tasks in Caucasian Eagle - 2024 exercise are successfully accomplished - VIDEO

Caucasian Eagle - 2024 joint exercise is ongoing - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army held training-methodical session - VIDEO

Training session held with reservists continues - VIDEO

Opening ceremony of Caucasian Eagle - 2024 joint exercise held - VIDEO

Events were held on the occasion of International Day for Protection of Children - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army holds the next command-staff exercise - VIDEO

The process of transferring weapons and equipment into the summer operation mode continues - VIDEO

EFES-2024 Exercise's Distinguished Visitors Day was held - UPDATED VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army holds a series of events on the occasion of the Independence Day - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army holds Warrant officers and Long-term active military servicemen courses’ graduation ceremony – VIDEO

Reservists next training session is held - VIDEO

Naval Forces' military unit holds Open Doors Day on the eve of Independence Day - VIDEO

Air defense system was found in an abandoned combat position in Karabakh region - VIDEO

Military Police Department personnel hold combat training classes - VIDEO

Today marks the 32nd anniversary of the Azerbaijan Army Naval Forces’ military unit - VIDEO

Azerbaijan and Türkiye discuss military cooperation prospects - VIDEO

The next tasks were fulfilled at the EFES - 2024 multinational exercise – VIDEO

The next Reserve Officer Training Course ended - VIDEO

Live-fire tactical exercise with Artillery units ended - VIDEO

Engineering support measures are ongoing - VIDEO

"Anatolian Phoenix - 2024" exercise ends - VIDEO

Seasonal maintenance of all types of weapons and equipment is held in the Combined Arms Army – VIDEO

Distinguished Visitors Day was held as part of “Anatolian Phoenix - 2024” exercise - VIDEO

Artillery units hold live-fire tactical exercise - VIDEO

Pentathlon competitions held among Land Forces servicemen - VIDEO

Tasks of the next stage of "Anatolian Phoenix - 2024" exercise accomplished - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army holds graduation ceremony of Improvement Course - VIDEO

Reservists are accomplishing the following tasks within training session - VIDEO

Mini football tournament dedicated to the anniversary of National Leader ended - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army holds a series of events on the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the birth of the Great Leader - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army holds Military Oath-taking ceremonies - VIDEO

Swimming competition dedicated to the 101st anniversary of National Leader held - VIDEO

Cadets held flashmob in honor of the eternity of Great Leader - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Ministry’s leadership visits the Alley of Honor - VIDEO

"Anatolian Phoenix - 2024" exercise is ongoing - VIDEO

Memory of Heroes fallen in Great Patriotic War was commemorated - VIDEO

Naval Forces' military unit celebrates its establishment day - VIDEO

The process of providing permanent apartments to servicemen continues – VIDEO

Meeting held with delegation of Pakistan National Defenсe University - VIDEO

Next group of servicemen to be involved in EFES-2024 exercise left for Türkiye - VIDEO

Azerbaijan and Slovakia signed documents VIDEO

Konya hosts “Anatolian Phoenix - 2024” International Search and Rescue Exercise - VIDEO

Delegation of National Defense University of Türkiye visits Azerbaijan - VIDEO

Reservists' training session continues - VIDEO

Mini football tournament dedicated to the anniversary of National Leader is held - VIDEO

Tank units hold intensive combat training sessions - VIDEO

Special Forces – 25 years - VIDEO

Solemn ceremony on Special Forces’ 25th anniversary held - VİDEO

Competition for the title of Best Sniper held - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army holds paramilitary cross championship - VIDEO

Next graduation ceremony for the Marines Commando Basic Courses held – VIDEO

Wave-2024 joint tactical exercise ended – VIDEO

Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan discuss prospects for the development of military cooperation - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army is conducting command-staff exercises - VIDEO

Competition was held in tank units - VIDEO

Air Defense Units held live-fire tactical exercise - VIDEO

The 32nd anniversary of the Military Police’s establishment is celebrated - VIDEO

Particular attention paid to the training of recruits - VIDEO

An official meeting was held in the Land Forces under the leadership of Azerbaijan Defense Minister - VIDEO

Solemn ceremony dedicated to 53rd anniversary of Military Lyceum named after Jamshid Nakhchivanski held - VIDEO

"Caspian Sky - 2024" joint tactical exercise was conducted - VIDEO

Military pilots professionally conducted training flights - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army’s Air Force held tactical-special exercise - VIDEO

Military pilots conducted training flights - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army holds freestyle wrestling championship among servicemen - VIDEO

Commandos’ combat capabilities are maintained at a high level - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army holds command-staff exercise – VIDEO

Minefield was detected at the cemetery in the Aghdaban village - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army holds tactical-special exercise on "Conducting combat operations in severe cold" - VIDEO

Armenia continues to concentrate troops and establish offensive strongholds on the conditional border with Azerbaijan - VIDEO

Commemorative events were held on 31 March – Day of the Genocide of Azerbaijanis - VIDEO

Practical classes were held with the Military Institute’s cadets – VIDEO

Another stronghold of Armenians found in the Karabakh region - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army's servicemen participated in military parade on the occasion of Pakistan Day – VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army holds a series of events on the occasion of Novruz holiday - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army's servicemen to participate in military parade in Pakistan - VIDEO

The leadership of the Azerbaijan Defense Ministry visited the military hospital - VIDEO

The 109th anniversary of the Çanakkale Victory celebrated – VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister meets with the Secretary General of NATO – VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army holds kettlebell lifting championship - VİDEO

Combined Arms Army continues conducting practical classes – VIDEO

Session was held on the commander's training system in Combined Arms Army – VIDEO

Special Forces units and subunits continue tactical-special exercise – VIDEO

Combined Arms Army conducted command-staff exercises with the relevant combined-arms formations - VIDEO

8 March – International Women's Day - VIDEO

Engineering support measures are underway - VIDEO

Special Forces’ units and subunits fulfilled special operations tasks - VIDEO

UAV units carry out training flights - VIDEO

Deputy Minister of National Defense of Türkiye visited the Military Institute

Combined Arms Army held kettlebell lifting championship among servicemen - VİDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister met with Deputy Minister of National Defense of Türkiye - VIDEO

Training exercises were held with Marine special forces of Azerbaijan Naval Forces – VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army held a series of events on the occasion of the 32nd anniversary of the Khojaly genocide - VIDEO

Tactical-special exercise was held with the Combined Arms Army’s Special Forces Units on “Conducting combat operations in severe cold” – VIDEO

Reservists fulfilled fire tasks - VIDEO

Unexploded ordnance found in Aghdam region - VIDEO

Tactical exercise of a group of combat and support ships held - VIDEO

Special Forces units and subunits conduct tactical-special exercise – VIDEO

Reservists' training session continues – VIDEO

Air Defense Units increase professionalism – VIDEO

A training course for tank and combat vehicle crews is held - VIDEO

Military Oath-taking ceremony for young soldiers was held in the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Military Oath-taking ceremonies were held in the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

The Chief of the General Staff of the Azerbaijan Army visited several military units stationed in the Karabakh region - VIDEO

Reservists' practical skills improved - VIDEO

Socio-political training classes were held in military units - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army holds command-staff mobilization exercise - VIDEO

Reservists' training session continues - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev and his son Heydar Aliyev visited Air Force military facilities

Commando units held tactical-special exercises - VİDEO

Combined Arms Army conducts the first lessons and classes of the 2024 training year – VIDEO

Ceremonies dedicated to the birthday of the National Hero took place – VIDEO

Special Forces units and subunits conduct tactical-special exercise - VIDEO

Practical classes conducted in the new training period – VIDEO

Commando units work out the fulfillment of various tasks during the new training period - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army Units conduct classes of new training period – VIDEO

Permanent comprehensive provision of units in difficult terrain and mountainous areas organized - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army holds graduation ceremony of graduates from Warrant officers and Long-term active military servicemen courses – VIDEO

Preparation process for the new training period in military units inspected - VIDEO

Preparation process for the new training period continues - VIDEO

Engineering support measures are underway – VIDEO

A series of events were held in Azerbaijan Army with regard to the the anniversary of the January 20 tragedy - VIDEO

Defense Ministry’s leadership visits the Alley of Shehids - VIDEO

Meeting was held with journalists and experts dealing with military topics - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister meets his counterpart from Slovakia - VIDEO

Azerbaijan and Türkiye discuss military cooperation - VIDEO

Another ammunition storage found in Karabakh region - VIDEO

Admission of new conscripts in military units continues - VIDEO

Tactical-special exercises of Commando units continue - VIDEO

Service and combat activities done in any weather conditions - VIDEO

Leisure time of Azerbaijan Army's servicemen organized effectively - VIDEO

Servicemen are evaluated on driving and firing skills - VIDEO

Commando units increase professionalism - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army holds commanders’ session - VIDEO

Test exams are conducted to evaluate mastery level – VIDEO

Another group of servicemen who completed their active military service is discharged – VIDEO

Address by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on the occasion of the World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day and New Year - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army holds a number of events on the occasion of Day of Solidarity of World Azerbaijanis and New Year - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Ministry’s leadership visits hospital on the eve of the holiday - VIDEO

Supply roads in liberated territories are cleared of snow cover - VIDEO

Air Defense Units carry out combat firing - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army holds graduation ceremony of the Officers' Improvement Course - VIDEO

Practical shooting exercises from sniper rifles were accomplished - VİDEO

Engineering support measures continue in a planned manner - VIDEO

Historic day: FC Qarabag vs MOIK Baku President Ilham Aliyev delivered speech at Khankendi Stadium VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister meets with military personnel serving in the liberated territories - VIDEO

UAV units carry out training flights - VIDEO

NATO's Evaluation exercise was held at Azerbaijan Air Force - VIDEO

Media representatives watch the activities of engineer-sapper units - VIDEO

Commando units conduct tactical-special exercises - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Ministry’s leadership visits Alley of Honor - VIDEO

Air Defense Units carry out combat firing - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army holds review-competition of the operated vehicles - VIDEO

The Chief of the General Staff of Azerbaijan Army inspects combat readiness of military units stationed in high mountainous areas - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army held computer-assisted Command and Staff Exercises - VIDEO

Knowledge competition was held among military personnel - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army holds volleyball championship among military personnel - VIDEO

Baku hosts Azerbaijan-Georgia-Türkiye Defence Ministers' 10th Trilateral Meeting - VIDEO

Training shooting from Su-25ML aircraft conducted - VIDEO

Distinguished Visitors Day was held as part of Doğu Akdeniz-2023 international exercise - VIDEO

Marine special forces of Azerbaijan Naval Forces perform parachute jumps - VIDEO

Preparatory training for Doğu Akdeniz-2023 international exercise was held - VIDEO

Army championship in volleyball ends - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister inspected combat training of Air Defense Units - VIDEO

Military Oath-taking ceremonies were held in the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army’s Special Forces marched to the “Gapichig” peak - VIDEO

A military oath-taking ceremony for young soldiers was held in the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

International sports competitions among cadets ended in Baku - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army held several events on the occasion of Victory Day - VIDEO

Marches of servicemen were organized on the occasion of Victory Day - VIDEO

Defense Ministry’s military personnel visited the Second Alley of Shehids - VIDEO

A graduation ceremony of the next warrant officers, non-commissioned officers and female servicemen courses was held in the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

A graduation ceremony of the Underwater attack special force course was held - VIDEO

A military march on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Mr. Ilham Aliyev's election as President of Azerbaijan was held in Nakhchivan - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army held command-staff mobilization exercises - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army carried out a review contest of auto vehicles - VIDEO

Azerbaijan and Pakistan discussed issues of military cooperation - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army held command-staff exercises - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev received Chief of Pakıstan’s Army Staff - VIDEO

Azerbaijan and Italy discussed prospects for the development of military cooperation - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army holds a series of events on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Ilham Aliyev's election as President of Azerbaijan - VIDEO

Underwater attack special forces’ airborne training sessions were held - VIDEO

Workshop for making improvised explosives detected in Karabakh region - VIDEO

"Mustafa Kemal Ataturk - 2023" joint tactical exercises ended - VIDEO

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev received Minister of National Defense of Türkiye - VIDEO

Some servicemen participating in Azerbaijani-Turkish joint tactical exercises were awarded - VIDEO

Exhibition of weapons and vehicles was shown on Distinguished Visitors Day held as part of joint tactical exercises - VIDEO

Activities of Azerbaijani and Turkish servicemen were highly evaluated at "Mustafa Kemal Ataturk - 2023" joint tactical exercises - VIDEO

The next stage of "Mustafa Kemal Ataturk-2023" joint tactical exercises performed - VIDEO

Azerbaijan and Tajikistan discuss military cooperation - VIDEO

"Mustafa Kemal Ataturk - 2023" Azerbaijani-Turkish joint tactical exercises commenced - VİDEO

The next tasks of the "Mustafa Kemal Ataturk-2023" joint exercises worked out - VIDEO

Various tasks are worked out with aircraft during "Mustafa Kemal Ataturk-2023" joint tactical exercises - VIDEO

Special Forces demonstrate high professionalism during the training for joint tactical exercises - VIDEO

Tasks were worked out at nighttime under limited visibility conditions during the "Mustafa Kemal Ataturk-2023" exercises - VİDEO

Combined Arms Army holds preparatory training for the "Mustafa Kemal Ataturk-2023" exercises - VIDEO

Preparatory training for the "Mustafa Kemal Ataturk-2023" joint tactical exercises continues - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army transfers weapons and military equipment into the autumn-winter operation mode - VIDEO

Preparatory training for the Azerbaijani-Turkish joint tactical exercises is conducted - VIDEO

Azerbaijan to host Azerbaijani-Turkish joint tactical exercises - VIDEO

Helicopter units of Azerbaijan Air Force hold exercises - VIDEO

Cadets of Warrant officers training course took military oath - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army transfers weapons and military equipment into the autumn-winter operation mode - VIDEO

Commando units conduct live-fire training classes - VIDEO

"Khazri-2023" Joint Tactical Exercises ended - VIDEO

Activities on discharge of servicemen who completed military service continue - VIDEO

“Eternity-2023” computer-assisted Command and Staff Exercises held in Baku ended - VIDEO

Azerbaijan's and Kazakhstan's Defense Ministers watch the next stage of "Khazri-2023" Joint Tactical Exercises - VIDEO

Distinguished Visitors Day of the "Khazri-2023" Joint Tactical Exercises was held - VIDEO

Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan discuss prospects for the development of military cooperation - VIDEO

"Khazri-2023" Joint Tactical Exercises conducted activities on the next episodes - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army continues the process of conscripts’ admission - VIDEO

"Khazri-2023" Joint Tactical Exercises are underway - VIDEO

Training was held within the "Khazri-2023" joint tactical exercises - VIDEO

A group of servicemen whose service period ended has been discharged - VIDEO

Engineering support measures are underway in Karabakh region - VIDEO

The next ammunition and combat vehicles were seized in Aghdara - VIDEO

Video footage of seized artillery pieces in the territory of Khojavend region - VIDEO

Combat positions and strongholds in the Karabakh region are liquidated - VIDEO

Abandoned combat positions on the Shusha-Khankendi road - VIDEO

Memorial complex erected in Karabakh to memory of the Great Patriotic War participants was used for military purposes - VIDEO

A large amount of ammunition detected at civilian facilities in the Karabakh region was seized - VIDEO

Engineering support measures are underway in the liberated territories - VIDEO

Video footage of weapons and ammunition seized from the territory of the Khojaly region - VIDEO

Booby traps are being neutralized in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan - VIDEO

Defense Ministry’s leadership visited Zafar Park under construction - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Ministry’s leadership visited the graves of Shehids on the Day of Remembrance - VIDEO

Another ammunition storage was found in Khojaly - VIDEO

Stronghold abandoned in the territory of the Khojaly region - VIDEO

Ammunition storages are being found in civilian buildings in the Karabakh region - VIDEO

Combat equipment was once again seized in the territory of the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army Units seized various military equipment, weapons and ammunition in the Aghdam region - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army Units detect weapons and ammunition at the next civilian facility in the Karabakh region - VIDEO

Seizure of ammunition continues in the Karabakh region - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Ministry organizes visit of military attachés to Shusha - VIDEO

Leadership of the Defense Ministry visited military hospital - VIDEO

Weapons and ammunition seized in the direction of Yukhari Veysalli village - VIDEO

Ammunition was found in territory of a company illegally operated in Kalbajar - VIDEO

Armenian residents set houses on fire en masse in Aghdara - VIDEO

Military equipment, weapons and ammunition seized in the Karabakh region - LIST - VIDEO

Abandoned combat position near the Garakend settlement of the Khojavend region - VIDEO

Military equipment, weapons and ammunition seized in the Karabakh region - VIDEO

Abandoned combat position near the Janyatag settlement of the Terter region - VIDEO

Injured Armenian woman was evacuated to military hospital - VIDEO

Ammunition storage was found at a civilian facility in the territory of the Gozlukorpu settlement - VIDEO

Colonel Anar Eyvazov: “An agreement has been reached to suspend local anti-terror measures” - VIDEO

Colonel Anar Eyvazov: “We call the Armenian armed forces formations to lay down their arms and surrender” - VIDEO

Military facilities and combat equipment of the Armenian armed forces’ formations located at strategically important high grounds are being destroyed by precise fire strikes - VIDEO

Local anti-terror measures are successfully ongoing - VIDEO

Neutralization of the next artillery pieces belonging to formations of the Armenian armed forces - VIDEO

Another artillery installation of the Armenian armed forces formations was destroyed by precise fire - VIDEO

Destructive fire strikes were inflicted on several trenches, shelters, and military convoys of the Armenian armed forces formations in the Karabakh economic region - VİDEO

Azerbaijan Army does not target civilians and any civilian facilities - VIDEO

Colonel Anar Eyvazov: "Only legitimate military targets are being incapacitated by the Azerbaijan Army Units"

The moment of the destruction of the Armenian armed forces formations’ cannon installation targeting Azerbaijani civil infrastructure - VIDEO

The moment of neutralization of a military-purpose radio technical hub belonging to the Armenian armed forces formations - VIDEO

The moment of destruction of another shelter and combat equipment belonging to the Armenian armed forces formations - VIDEO

Ammunition depot of Armenian armed forces formations was destroyed - VIDEO

The radar station of the formations of the Armenian armed forces was destroyed - VIDEO

The next firing points of the Armenian armed forces’ formations were destroyed - VIDEO

Armenian armed forces formations’ combat equipment is being destroyed - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Air Force aircraft conduct training flights - VIDEO

Air Defense Units carry out combat firing - VİDEO

Combat duty and comprehensive provision are at the top level in Azerbaijan’s liberated territories - VIDEO

The Chief of the General Staff met with the Turkish National Defense Minister - VIDEO

The Chief of the General Staff of the Azerbaijan Army meets with his Turkish counterpart - VIDEO

Azerbaijani military pilots’ professionalism is increased – VIDEO

The next graduation ceremony of the Marines Commando Basic Courses was held - VIDEO

Air Defense Units’ professionalism is being increased – VIDEO

Reservists' training session ended - VIDEO

Practical classes were held with the cadets - VIDEO

Classes on the new training period continue in the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

Armenian armed forces' attack UAV was captured - VIDEO

Destruction of the Armenian armed forces’ mobile ground control station for UAVs - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister meets with Turkish Minister of National Defense - VIDEO

Azerbaijan and Türkiye discussed the prospects for the development of cooperation between the two armies - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Minister of Defense met with the Turkish Minister of National Defense - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Air Force held exercises - VIDEO

Ambulances are used in illegal military transportation - VİDEO

Air Defense Units carried out combat firing - VIDEO

Military attachés are informed about illegal activities of Armenian servicemen - VIDEO

Information of Azerbaijan Defense Ministry - VIDEO

Military oath-taking ceremonies for young soldiers were held in the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

An orienteering competition was held in the Land Forces - VIDEO

Practical classes are held with cadets participating in the camp sessions - VIDEO

Special attention is paid to the comprehensive provision of military units - VIDEO

Service and combat activities in the liberated territories are organized at a high level - VIDEO

Intensive combat training sessions are held in tank units - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Air Force aircraft conduct training flights - VIDEO

Servicemen’s individual training is checked - VIDEO

Special attention is paid to young soldiers’ training - VIDEO

A new training period began in the Combined Arms Army – VIDEO

A new training period began in the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

Cadets are involved in camp sessions - VIDEO

The next special training courses have been successfully completed in the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

“Khazri Wave” tactical exercises ended - VIDEO

"Khazri Wave" tactical exercises are underway - VIDEO

"Khazri Wave" tactical exercises held - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister met with his Israeli counterpart - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev received Defense Minister of Israel - VIDEO

Training-methodical sessions were held in the military unit - VIDEO

Prosecutor General met with servicemen in Nakhchivan - VIDEO

Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan discussed issues of military cooperation - VIDEO

Command-staff exercises were held in the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army held graduation ceremony of the next Officer Training Course - VIDEO

Marches of servicemen were organized on Armed Forces Day - VIDEO

Young soldiers were sent to the next duty areas in the Combined Arms Army – VIDEO

Combined Arms Army held events - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army held a series of events on the occasion of Armed Forces Day - VIDEO

Military hospital was visited on Armed Forces Day - VIDEO

Defense Ministry’s leadership visited the Alley of Honor and the Alley of Shehids - VIDEO

Military Institute named after Heydar Aliyev held graduation ceremony – VIDEO

Combined Arms Army held championship in athletics and gymnastics - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev viewed conditions created at one of commando military units of Ministry of Defense, and presented battle flag to military unit - VIDEO

"Alpan - 2023" joint exercises are underway - VIDEO

Land Forces hold sports championship - VIDEO

Joint exercises began with the participation of Azerbaijani and Turkish servicemen – VIDEO

Information about the activities of the Engineering Troops – VIDEO

Rocket and Artillery units fulfilled firing tasks - VIDEO

A media tour was organized to military medical institutions in the liberated territories - VIDEO

Reservists’ training session ended – VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army held a series of events on the occasion of the National Salvation Day - VIDEO

Military Lyceum named after Jamshid Nakhchivanski held its 51st graduation ceremony - VIDEO

Practical shooting exercises were performed during training session - VIDEO

Presidents of Azerbaijan and Türkiye participated in opening of new Air Force Central Command Post - VIDEO

Combat duty is organized at a high level in Kalbajar region – VIDEO

The graduation ceremony of the Officer Training was held – VIDEO

Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defense Units’ exercises were held – VIDEO

Command-staff exercises were held in the liberated territories - VIDEO

"Anatolian Phoenix - 2023" international exercises are underway - VIDEO

Reservists’ training session continues – VIDEO

Practical tasks were fulfilled during the "Anatolian Phoenix-2023" international exercises – VIDEO

Azerbaijan and Hungary discussed issues of expanding military cooperation – VIDEO

Commanders training classes were held in the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Engineering support measures are underway – VIDEO

Training-methodical sessions were held with the artillery chiefs – VIDEO

Kazakh delegation is visiting Azerbaijan – VIDEO

Combined Arms Army held an event dedicated to the International Day for Protection of Children – VIDEO

The Combined Arms Army held the next command-staff exercises with formations and units – VIDEO

A series of events on the occasion of the International Day for Protection of Children were held - VIDEO

Live-fire tactical exercises were held in one of the military units - VIDEO

Sports competitions were held on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the National Leader – VIDEO

Rocket and Artillery Troops’ exercises are underway – VIDEO

Training session for reservists ended - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army held a series of events on the occasion of the Independence Day - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev attended opening of military hospital in Kalbajar - VIDEO

Military attachés visited Azerbaijan Naval Forces – VIDEO

Snipers' professionalism is being increased – VIDEO

Servicemen of the Combined Arms Army demonstrated high professionalism at the “Heydar Aliyev-2023” exercises - VIDEO

Information about the activities of the Engineering Troops – VIDEO

Practical classes with cadets in the field withdrawal continue – VIDEO

Tactical exercises held in the Azerbaijan Naval Forces – VIDEO

Military pentathlon championship in Azerbaijan Army ended – VIDEO

Media tour was organized to the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

The event on the occasion of the "Year of Heydar Aliyev" was held in one of the military units – VIDEO

The process of transferring weapons and military equipment into the summer operation mode ended – VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army holds the military pentathlon championship - VIDEO

The military attachés were informed about the provocation of the Armenian armed forces

Combined Arms Army's chemical protection squads held session - VIDEO

Distinguished Visitors Day of "Anatolian Eagle - 2023" exercises was held - VIDEO

Demonstration flights were performed during the "Anatolian Eagle - 2023" International Exercises - VIDEO

Military Oath-taking ceremony for young soldiers was held in the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Special forces of Combined Arms Army ascend Gapijig peak - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army holds a series of events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev - VIDEO

Military Oath-taking ceremonies were held in the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Ministry’s leadership paid tribute to the memory of the National Leader - VIDEO

A series of events are held under the organization of Military Lyceum named after Heydar Aliyev – VIDEO

Combined Arms Army’s formations, units, and subunits conduct classes – VIDEO

The next tasks were fulfilled during the "Anatolian Eagle - 2023" International Exercises - VIDEO

Command-staff exercises were held in the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Weapons and military equipment are transferred into the summer operation mode - VIDEO

The "Anatolian Eagle - 2023" International Flight-Tactical Exercises continue - VIDEO

Air Defense Units conducted tactical exercises - VIDEO

The main stage of the "Anatolian Eagle - 2023" International Flight-Tactical Exercises started - VIDEO

Rocket and Artillery Troops’ exercises are underway - VIDEO

Training session for reservists ended - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army conducted competition for the title of "Best Sniper" - VIDEO

"Heydar Aliyev" cup on kickboxing is held - VIDEO

The first flights of the "Anatolian Eagle - 2023" International Exercises were carried out - VIDEO

Baku hosted trilateral meeting of heads of military educational institutions of Azerbaijan, Türkiye and Georgia - VIDEO

Competition for the title of "Best Sniper" is being held - VIDEO

The opening ceremony of "Anatolian Eagle - 2023" International Exercises was held - VIDEO

Combat skills of armored vehicles crews are improved - VIDEO

Air Defense Units carried out combat firing - VIDEO

Reservists accomplished practical shooting exercises - VIDEO

Rocket and Artillery Troops’ exercises are underway - VIDEO

Azerbaijan and Georgia signed Defense Cooperation Agreement - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev received Defense Minister of Georgia - VIDEO


Attestation for admission to special training courses was held in the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Information of Azerbaijan Defense Ministry - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army holds a series of events on the occasion of Ramadan holiday - VIDEO

Readiness of the officers in the "Organization of Educational Work and Psychologist" specialties inspected – VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister met with his Kazakh counterpart - VIDEO

A group of servicemen of Combined Arms Army will participate in the exercises in Türkiye - VIDEO

Pentathlon competitions were held among Azerbaijan Army’s servicemen – VIDEO

Tactical-special exercises were conducted with commando units - VIDEO

Officers of Combined Arms Army visited Heydar Aliyev Museum - VIDEO

Next graduation ceremony was held in the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Commando units accomplished practical shooting exercises - VIDEO

Rocket and Artillery Troops’ units conduct live-fire tactical exercises - VIDEO

The combat training of tank units is increased - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army carried out a review-competition of the operated vehicles - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister got acquainted with the conditions created in the newly commissioned military unit - VİDEO

New military facilities were commissioned in the liberated territories - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister: "Commando training is necessary for the training of professional officers" - VİDEO

Command-staff exercises were held in the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Mechanized units carried out practical training exercises – VIDEO

Azerbaijan Naval Forces conduct raiding drills - VIDEO

Competition for the title of the Best Engineer-sapper Company is held - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Air Force aircraft continue conducting training flights - VIDEO

Artillery units conducted live-fire exercises - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Air Force aircraft carry out training flights - VIDEO

The tank units' combat training is improved - VIDEO

Laying illegal roads in the Karabakh economic region is unacceptable - VIDEO

Unlawful military transportation for illegal Armenian formations continues - VIDEO

Russian peacekeeping contingent accompanies illegal transportation - VIDEO

Illegal transportation of military cargo from Armenia to the territory of Azerbaijan continues - VIDEO

Young soldiers were sent to the next duty areas in the Combined Arms Army – VIDEO

The Azerbaijan Army holds a series of events on the occasion of the Novruz holiday - VIDEO

The Minister of Defense visited the military hospital on the occasion of the Novruz holiday - VIDEO

Practical classes were held with cadets of the military institute - VIDEO

Engineering support measures are underway – VIDEO

Information of the Ministry of Defense - VIDEO

A review-competition for vehicle equipment was held in the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Military lyceum hosted a session with the military tutors of secondary general education schools - VIDEO

Commander training classes were held in the Combined Arms Army – VIDEO

IFV crews conduct live-fire training classes - VIDEO

A quiz dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Heydar Aliyev was held - VIDEO

Combat training sessions of mortar units were held - VIDEO

Tank units’ combat readiness inspected - VIDEO

The 105th anniversary of the Military Institute named after Heydar Aliyev was celebrated - VIDEO

Opening of the Shehids’ Memorial Complex took place at the Military Institute - VIDEO

Practical shooting exercises were carried out - VIDEO

Command-staff exercises were held in the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Combat skills of armored vehicle personnel are improved - VIDEO

A series of events were held in the Azerbaijan Army on the occasion of the 31th anniversary of the Khojaly genocide - VIDEO

Mobile dentistry examination and treatment of servicemen was carried out - VIDEO

Tank crews fulfilled various exercises - VIDEO

The Georgian delegation visited the Special Forces’ and the Naval Forces’ military units - VIDEO

Military pilots carried out training flights - VIDEO

Engineering units conduct combat training classes - VIDEO

Tactical-special exercises on "Conducting combat operations in severe cold" in Nakhchivan - VIDEO

Prospects for the development of military cooperation between Azerbaijan and Georgia were discussed - VIDEO

Command-staff exercises were held at the mobilization support base - VIDEO

An event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Great Leader was held - VIDEO

Service and combat activities of units in the liberated territories were inspected - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister got acquainted with the construction works in the liberated territories - VIDEO

Tactical-special exercises of commandos are held - VIDEO

Engineering support measures are underway - VIDEO

Military Oath-taking ceremonies were held in the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

The Azerbaijan Army Units are successfully conducting the classes of the new training period - VIDEO

The service and combat activities of military units were inspected - VIDEO

The combat readiness capability of units has been trained – VIDEO

Sessions on ATGM complexes were held in the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

Certificates were presented at the training course held with the participation of British specialists - VIDEO

Practical exercises on fire training were performed - VIDEO

Training classes of a new training period are underway in the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

Engineering support measures continue in a planned manner - VIDEO

Tactical-special training of commandos continues - VIDEO

A new training period began in the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

Combat training classes are conducted with engineering units - VIDEO

The admission of new conscripts to the military units of the Azerbaijan Army continues - VIDEO

A series of events were held in the Azerbaijan Army on the anniversary of the January 20 tragedy - VIDEO

The combat readiness of military units stationed in Kalbajar and Lachin was inspected - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev received defense minister of Italy - VIDEO

The Chief of the General Staff visited the Military Institute - VIDEO

The service and combat activities of the Azerbaijan Army Units are organized at a high level in any weather conditions - VIDEO

The combat readiness of the mobilization support base was inspected - VIDEO

The Defense Minister inspected the combat readiness of several military units - VIDEO

A number of events on the occasion of the Day of Solidarity of World Azerbaijanis and the New Year Holiday were held in the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

The Minister of Defense met with the servicemen undergoing treatment at the hospital on the holiday - VIDEO

The visit of the Chief of the General Staff to the liberated territories continues on the eve of the holidays - VIDEO

Defense Ministry’s leadership visited the logistic military unit - VIDEO

New military facilities were commissioned in the territory of the Lachin region - VIDEO

The moral-psychological state of servicemen serving in the Kalbajar region is at a high level - VIDEO

New military facilities were commissioned in Kalbajar - VIDEO

Training-methodological sessions held with officers and psychologists for ideological work and moral-psychological support ended - VIDEO

Rocket and Artillery Troops conduct live-fire exercises - VIDEO

Medical enlightenment events are held in relation to the winter season - VIDEO

Engineering support measures are underway - VIDEO

Information about the activities of the Engineering Troops – VIDEO

Drivers’ professionalism is being increased in the Azerbaijan Army – VIDEO

Defense Ministry’s leadership visited the Alley of Honor - VIDEO

The military personnel involved in the “Fraternal Fist” exercises were awarded - VIDEO

The Presidents of the Republics of Azerbaijan and Türkiye congratulated the personnel participating in the “Fraternal Fist” exercises - VIDEO

Distinguished Visitors Day was held during the “Fraternal Fist” exercises - VIDEO

Nighttime tasks were fulfilled during the “Fraternal Fist” exercises - VIDEO

The Azerbaijan Defense Minister met with the Turkish National Defense Minister - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev received delegation led by Minister of National Defense of Türkiye - VIDEO

Joint exercises of Azerbaijani and Turkish servicemen are conducted - VIDEO

Sniper training course is being held in the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

Live-fire tactical exercises were held in the Land Forces - VIDEO

Competition for the title of Best Tank Company is being held – VIDEO

Demonstration battalion tactical exercises were held in the Azerbaijan Army – VIDEO

Several events on the occasion of Victory Day were held in the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

Military Oath-taking ceremonies were held in the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev attended event organized on the occasion of Victory Day in Shusha - VIDEO

Marches of servicemen were organized on the occasion of Victory Day - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev viewed conditions created at newly commissioned military unit of Defense Ministry in Fuzuli district - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Naval Forces held the next graduation ceremony - VIDEO

The next stage of exercises of the Special Forces military units was fulfilled - VIDEO

Defense Minister visited the units stationed on the border with Armenia - VIDEO

An inspection of units and formations by the Defense Ministry's leadership continues - VIDEO

The Special Forces fulfilled tasks at nighttime during the exercises held in the southern region - VIDEO

Defense Minister conducted an inspection of units and formations stationed in the southern region - VIDEO

Exercises of the Special Forces military units continue – VIDEO

Exercises of the Special Forces military units started - VIDEO

Tactical-special exercises were held in the commando military unit - VIDEO

Command-staff exercises were held in the Land Forces - VIDEO

The process of transferring weapons and military equipment into the autumn-winter operation mode ended - VIDEO

Command-staff exercises were held in the Rocket and Artillery Troops - VIDEO

Marines Commando Basic Course is being held - VIDEO

Azerbaijani servicemen participated in the NATO course - VIDEO

Defense Minister of Uzbekistan visited military units - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister met with his Uzbek counterpart - VIDEO

The joint exercises held with the participation of the Azerbaijani and Turkish Naval Special Forces ended - VIDEO

Defense Minister watched combat training classes - VIDEO

Engineering support measures are underway in the liberated territories - VIDEO

The Defense Minister got acquainted with the young officers’ training process - VIDEO

A regular meeting of the Committee of Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces of the CIS member states was held in Baku - VIDEO

The next mines detected in Kalbajar and Dashkasan were neutralized - VIDEO

Weapons and military equipment are being transferred into the autumn-winter operation mode - VIDEO

Azerbaijani and Turkish Naval Special Forces are involved in joint exercises - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister met with the Turkish National Defense Minister - VIDEO

Issues of military cooperation between Azerbaijan and Israel were discussed - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Air Force conducted live-fire exercises – VIDEO

UAV of the Armenian armed forces was intercepted in the Lachin direction - VIDEO

Defense Ministry’s leadership visited the Alley of Honor and the Alley of Shehids - VIDEO

Command-Staff Exercises held in the Naval Forces ended - VIDEO

Command-Staff Exercises are being held at the Naval Forces - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister met with the wounded being treated in the military hospital - VIDEO

Mines buried by provocateurs of the Armenian armed forces were detected - VIDEO

Commando Initial Courses graduates were awarded certificates - VIDEO

"TurAz Qartalı - 2022" exercises ended - VIDEO

"TurAz Qartalı - 2022" exercises are underway - VIDEO

Liberated territories of Azerbaijan are being cleared of Armenian mines - VIDEO

An excavator of a civilian company was subjected to fire in Lachin - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev viewed 4th “ADEX” and 13th “Securex Caspian” exhibitions - VIDEO

The opening ceremony of the "TurAz Qartalı - 2022" exercises was held – VIDEO

Combat duty in Lachin is organized at a high level – VIDEO

Video footage of the Sus village of the Lachin region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Zabukh village of the Lachin region – VIDEO

Fraternal Türkiye’s Victory Day was celebrated at the Military Institute - VIDEO

The Azerbaijan Army's logistic support issues were discussed - VIDEO

The service activities of the military police are organized in Lachin city, Zabukh and Sus villages - VIDEO

Management in the Azerbaijan Army is carried out by the use of modern digital communications means - VIDEO

New video footage of the entry of Azerbaijan Army Units into Lachin city and the villages of Zabukh and Sus - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army Units entered Lachin city - VIDEO

Closing ceremony of the "Sea Cup" contest was held – VIDEO

The process of admission to the "Warrant officers training course" continues - VIDEO

Measures implementation for engineering support is underway – VIDEO

Azerbaijani military seamen scored the highest point in the next stage – VIDEO

Uchdik-Girkhgiz-Saribaba high grounds are cleared of Armenian mines - VIDEO

Azerbaijani military seamen successfully accomplished the next stage - VIDEO

Exercises were held with the Azerbaijan Air Force helicopter units - VIDEO

"Artillery firing at air target" exercise was fulfilled - VIDEO

The airspace of Azerbaijan is reliably protected - VIDEO

The teams fulfilled the "Firing at a floating mine" exercise during the "Sea Cup" contest - VIDEO

Information of the Ministry of Defense - VIDEO

Combat duty is organized at a high level in the liberated territories – VIDEO

Implementation of measures for engineering support continues - VIDEO

Classes of a new training period are held with the aircraft of the Azerbaijan Air Force - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army conducted “Revenge” operation - VIDEO

Classes of a new training period are held in the Rocket and Artillery Troops – VIDEO

A new training period began in the Azerbaijan Army – VIDEO

Practical classes are held with engineering units - VIDEO

Practical classes of cadets ended – VIDEO

The process of preparation for the new training period is underway – VIDEO

The professionalism of tank crews is being increased – VIDEO

Practical classes are being conducted with cadets within field withdrawal - VIDEO

The level of professionalism of engineer-sappers is being increased - VIDEO

Rocket and artillery units fulfilled firing tasks - VIDEO

The troops’ service in the liberated territories is organized at a high level - VIDEO

Mechanized units carried out practical training exercises - VIDEO

The Minister of Defense took part in the opening of a military hospital recently commissioned in the Khojavand region - VIDEO

A new headquarters building has been commissioned in the territory of the Khojavand region - VIDEO

An opening of a new military unit took place in the territory of the Khojavand region - VIDEO

Defense Minister watched the commandos’ exercises in Khojavand - VIDEO

A Weapons repair workshop is operating in one of the military units - VIDEO

The Cybersecurity Operations Center has been commissioned - VIDEO

Training-methodological sessions were held in the Engineering Troops - VIDEO

Training-methodological sessions were held in the Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defense Units - VIDEO

Special attention is paid to commandos' combat training - VIDEO

Artillery units are conducting live-fire exercises - VIDEO

President, Victorious Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev attended opening of military unit in Kalbajar district - VIDEO

Military marches under accompaniment of military orchestras were organized - VIDEO

Several events were held in the Azerbaijan Army on the occasion of 26 June – Armed Forces Day - VIDEO

The leadership of the Ministry of Defense visited the Alley of Honors and the Second Alley of Shehids - VIDEO

Media tours were organized on the occasion of the Armed Forces Day - VİDEO

Tactical exercises held in the Naval Forces ended - VIDEO

The next graduation ceremony was held at the Military Institute named after Heydar Aliyev - VIDEO

"Anatolian Eagle - 2022" International Flight-Tactical Exercises are being held - VIDEO

Military facilities being under construction in Kalbajar and Lachin were inspected - VIDEO

The Minister of Defense visited combat positions on the state border - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army held a series of events on the occasion of the National Salvation Day - VIDEO

The 50th graduation ceremony of cadets of the Military Lyceum named after Jamshid Nakhchivanski of the National Defense University was held - VIDEO

The Minister of Defense attended the next graduation ceremony of the Marines Commando Basic Courses - VIDEO

Training of tank units continues - VIDEO

Snipers' professionalism is being increased - VIDEO

Commando units continue tactical-special exercises - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army is holding intensive live-fire tactical exercises - VIDEO

Rocket and artillery units conducted live-fire tactical exercises - VIDEO

Live-fire tactical exercises were held in the Land Forces - VIDEO

The combat readiness of topographers was inspected - VIDEO

Marines’ training continues - VIDEO

Commando Training Courses graduates were awarded certificates - VIDEO

The tasks of the next stage of the “Efes-2022” exercises were fulfilled - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army held a series of events on the occasion of the International Day for Protection of Children - VIDEO

Medical training was held at the Main Clinical Hospital - VIDEO

The Teknofest Azerbaijan evoked keen interest - VIDEO

A visit of the Turkish Minister of National Defense to Azerbaijan ended - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev received delegation led by Minister of National Defense of Turkiye Hulusi Akar - VIDEO

“Efes-2022” multinational exercises continue - VIDEO

The tasks were successfully accomplished during the Anatolian Phoenix-2022 International Exercises - VIDEO

Defense Minister inspected recently commissioned military training infrastructure - VIDEO

The tasks of the next stage of the “Efes-2022” multinational exercises were fulfilled - VIDEO

The process of transferring the weapons and equipment into the summer operation mode continues - VIDEO

Information about the activities of the Engineering Troops – VIDEO

An inspection of the "Anatolian Phoenix-2022" Exercises area was carried out – VIDEO

Comprehensive training was held with the Azerbaijan Army's Signal units and subunits - VIDEO

UAV units carried out training flights - VİDEO

Practical exercises on fire training were carried out - VIDEO

Weapons and military equipment are transferred into the summer operation mode - VIDEO

Sports competitions dedicated to the birthday of great leader Heydar Aliyev were held - VIDEO

A series of events dedicated to the 99th anniversary of the national leader Heydar Aliyev were held in the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

A Military Oath taking ceremony was held in the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

The expedition of servicemen to the Heydar Peak ended - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev paid tribute to Azerbaijanis who died for the victory over fascism - VIDEO

Special Forces conduct tactical-special exercises - VIDEO

Pentathlon competitions were held among servicemen - VIDEO

Rocket and artillery units conducted live-fire tactical exercises - VIDEO

President, Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev visited military unit of Defense Ministry`s Special Forces - VIDEO

The provision of the Azerbaijan Army Units stationed in liberated territories is being improved - VIDEO

Training courses on forward observation are held in artillery units – VIDEO

Competitions for the title of Best Grenade Launcher Personnel were held - VIDEO

Combat duty and comprehensive provision in Kalbajar are at a high level - VIDEO

Practical classes are held in the engineering units of the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Information about the activities of the Engineering Troops - VIDEO

The provision of units stationed in the liberated territories is at a high level - VIDEO

Command training classes with commanders and deputy commanders of battalions and batteries were held in Nakhchivan – VIDEO

The 30th anniversary of the military hospital was celebrated - VIDEO

A competition for the title of "Best Sniper" is being held - VIDEO

Exercises are being held as part of subunits in formations and units of the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army carried out an inspection of the operated vehicles - VIDEO

The competitions for the title of "Best Tank Crew" is held – VIDEO

Military service and combat activities are inspected in Kalbajar and Lachin – VIDEO

The Minister of Defense inspected the new military infrastructure - VIDEO

Tactical exercises were held in the Nakhchivan garrison troops- VIDEO

Azerbaijani servicemen to take part in "Efes-2022" international exercises - VIDEO

Command-Staff Exercises held in the Nakhchivan garrison troops ended – VIDEO

Rocket and artillery units fulfilled firing tasks - VIDEO

A day of Azerbaijani artillerymen in the liberated territories - VIDEO

Activities on engineering support for units stationed in liberated territories are being continued - VIDEO

Young soldiers were sent to the next duty areas in the Combined Arms Army – VIDEO

Command-Staff Exercises are being held in Nakhchivan - VIDEO

A series of remembrance events were held on the occasion of the March 31 – the Day of the Genocide of Azerbaijanis - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Air Force held exercises - VIDEO

Artillery units fulfilled firing tasks

Air Defense Units conducted tactical exercises - VIDEO

Classes are held in a high mountainous terrain in Nakhchivan - VIDEO

The Minister of Defense visited special educational institutions - VIDEO

The Minister of Defense visited military hospital on the eve of Novruz holiday - VIDEO

The regular warrant officer training courses continue - VIDEO

Shooting exercises were carried out - VIDEO

A series of events were held in the Azerbaijan Army on the occasion of 8 March - International Women's Day - VIDEO

Command training classes with commanders and deputy commanders of battalions and batteries were held in Nakhchivan garrison troops - VIDEO

Mortar units conducted shooting exercises - VIDEO

Special-Tactical Exercises were held in the Nakhchivan garrison troops - VIDEO

A series of events were held in the Azerbaijan Army on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Khojaly genocide - VIDEO

Sniper training course continues - VIDEO

Armored vehicles crews carried out practical training exercises - VIDEO

Sessions of specialists are being held in the Combined Arms Army, in order to increase the professionalism of snipers - VIDEO

Training exercises of commandos continue - VIDEO

Helicopter flight training was conducted - VIDEO

An official meeting on the results of a comprehensive inspection was held in the Naval Forces - VIDEO

Practical classes are being held in the Engineer-sapper units - VIDEO

Exercises were held in the Air Force - VIDEO

The state of combat readiness of military units was inspected - VIDEO

An event dedicated to Air Force Day was held - VIDEO

Activities on engineering support for units stationed in liberated territories are being continued – VIDEO

The professionalism of the commandos is increasing - VIDEO

The Minister of Defense visited military units stationed in the Lachin region - VIDEO

New military infrastructure has been commissioned in the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

New facilities have been commissioned at the Combined-Arms Training Center - VIDEO

One of the tank units was suddenly inspected by the Central Staff of the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

A new military unit has been commissioned in the liberated territories - VIDEO

Training sessions of the new training period are held with artillery units - VIDEO

Military Oath-taking ceremonies were held in the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

Military Oath-taking ceremonies of young soldiers held in Nakhchivan garrison troops - VIDEO

Training exercises of a new training period are underway in the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

Sniper training course continues - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army is conducting training exercises in the new training year - VIDEO

Prospects for the development of Azerbaijani-Turkish military cooperation were discussed - VIDEO

New training year begins in Nakhchivan Garrison Troops - VIDEO

The search for the Azerbaijani serviceman who lost his way in the direction of Kalbajar continues - VIDEO

Special attention is paid to commandos' training - VIDEO

Training sessions for reservists ended - VIDEO

Training with media representatives is over - VIDEO

Training exercises were held in the commando military unit - VIDEO

Uninterrupted movement of troops is ensured in the liberated territories - VIDEO

Training session for reservists continues - VIDEO

Training exercises were held in the commando military unit – VIDEO

New military facilities were commissioned - VIDEO

The provision of the Azerbaijan Army Units stationed in liberated territories is being improved - VIDEO

Training session for reservists is being held - VIDEO

New military facilities were put into operation in Kalbajar - VIDEO

A series of events were held in the Azerbaijan Army on the anniversary of the January 20 tragedy - VIDEO

New military facilities were commissioned in the liberated territories - VIDEO

A meeting with the Bulgarian delegation was held at the War College - VIDEO

Training sessions with commanders of companies were held - VIDEO

Uninterrupted movement of troops is ensured in the liberated territories - VIDEO

The Minister of Defense met with the military personnel of the Azerbaijan Military Academy - VIDEO

Command-Staff Exercises were held in the Azerbaijan Army formation - VIDEO

Training exercises of commandos were held in the new training year - VIDEO

Air Defense Units of the Combined Arms Army conducted Tactical-Special Exercises – VIDEO

Combined Arms Army continues to conduct Tactical-Special Exercises – VIDEO

Azerbaijani servicemen will participate in international exercises - VİDEO

The Minister of Defense visited a military unit of the Special Forces - VIDEO

A number of events were held in the Azerbaijan Army on the occasion of the holidays - VIDEO

Tactical-special exercises were held in the commando military unit - VIDEO

Azerbaijani servicemen returned to the Motherland after completing the Commando Courses - VIDEO

Combat duty is carried out at a high level in the liberated territories - VIDEO

President, Victorious Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev attended opening of military unit in Hadrut settlement - VIDEO

Azerbaijan and Georgian Defense Ministers held a meeting in Baku - VIDEO

Nakhchivan Garrison Central Military Medical Commission was established - VIDEO

Test exams are conducted to assign degrees of grade - VIDEO

Information about the activities of the Engineering Troops - VIDEO

The Special Forces Units of the Combined Arms Army conducted Tactical-Special Exercises - VIDEO

Military facilities were commissioned in the Kalbajar and Lachin regions - VIDEO

The opening of a combined-arms firing range took place in the liberated territories - VIDEO

Live-fire tactical exercises were held within the units of the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

New facilities have been commissioned in military units - VIDEO

Video footage of the Guneypaya village of the Kalbajar region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Nabilar village of the Kalbajar region – VIDEO

A series of events were held in the Azerbaijan Army on the occasion of the National Leader's Remembrance Day - VIDEO

A media tour on the occasion of the Great Leader's anniversary was organized to the Military Lyceum - VIDEO

The graduation ceremony of the Marines Commando Basic Courses was held - VIDEO

Information about the activities of the Engineering Troops - VIDEO

Special Forces of the Combined Arms Army conducted Tactical-Special Exercises - VIDEO

The Chief of the General Staff of the Azerbaijan Army met with the personnel of the Military Academy - VIDEO

Video footage of the Keshtazli village of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

The graduation ceremony of the Reserve Officer Training Course was held - VIDEO

Video footage of the Kechiligaya village of the Kalbajar region – VIDEO

Tactical exercises were held in the commando military unit - VIDEO

Joint training flights of Azerbaijani and Turkish military pilots were held in Baku - VIDEO

Artillery Units held live-fire exercises - VIDEO

UAV units carried out training flights - VIDEO

A media tour to the Lachin region was organized - VIDEO

Live-fire tactical exercises were held in the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Air Defense Units carried out combat firing - VIDEO

Video footage of the village of Gilinjli of the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Mortar and artillery units held live-fire tactical exercises - VIDEO

Video footage of the Istibulag village of the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Gochahmadli village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

The Minister of Defense met with the families of Shehids in the Gusar region - VIDEO

The Minister of Defense visited the recently established commando unit - VIDEO

Video footage of the Ilkhichilar village of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

The Special Forces Units of the Combined Arms Army held the next Tactical-Special Exercises - VIDEO

Video footage of the Yellija village of the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Training-methodological sessions with young officers were held in the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

The Armenian armed forces committed another provocation in the Kalbajar direction - VIDEO

Video footage of the Chaykend village of the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Rocket-artillery units carried out combat firing - VIDEO

Defense Ministers of Azerbaijan and Turkey held a joint press conference - VIDEO

A series of events were held in the Azerbaijan Army on the occasion of Victory Day - VIDEO

Victory Day was solemnly celebrated in the Combined Arms Army and servicemen were awarded - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev received delegation led by Turkish Minister of National Defense Hulusi Akar - VIDEO

President, Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev made speech in front of servicemen in Shusha - VIDEO

The Victory Fair arouse great interest - VIDEO

The Iron Fist expedition to "Zafar" peak was organized - VIDEO

Mehteran Union of Turkey performed at the concert on the occasion of Victory Day - VIDEO

The military training session held in the military unit ended - VIDEO

Special Forces celebrated the Victory Day - VIDEO

The military unit hosted an event on the occasion of Victory Day - VIDEO

A series of events are being held in Turkey on the occasion of Victory Day - VIDEO

Work to improve the service and social conditions of servicemen is underway - VIDEO

The Nakhchivan garrison troops continue to conduct Command-Staff Exercises – VIDEO

Video footage of the Tekdam village of the Kalbajar region – VIDEO

The orchestra of the Azerbaijan Military Academy has left for Turkey - VIDEO

The Nakhchivan garrison troops continue to conduct Command-Staff Exercises – VIDEO

Video footage of the Goydere village of the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

The reservists involved in the military training session carried out a practical shooting - VIDEO

A competition of combat vehicle crews is being held - VIDEO

Training-methodical sessions with commanders and deputy commanders of battalions and batteries were held in Nakhchivan - VIDEO

Tank units performed live firing - VIDEO

The reservists involved in military training session successfully accomplish their duties - VIDEO

Victory Fair displays military equipment - VIDEO

The competition for the title of "Best Artillery Division" is held - VIDEO

The Azerbaijan Naval Forces held a contest for the title of "Best Ship Division" - VIDEO

The reservists who will take part in the military training session have been admitted to a military unit - VIDEO

Engineering work is underway in the liberated territories - VIDEO

Tactical-Special Exercises of the Special Forces ended - VIDEO

The next training courses of servicemen held in Nakhchivan ended - VIDEO

The Minister of Defense watched the Command-Staff Exercises in the Lachin region - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Special Forces continue conducting Tactical-Special Exercises - VIDEO

The combat positions in Kalbajar and Lachin regions were inspected - VIDEO

Recently built military facilities have been commissioned in the liberated territories - VIDEO

Winter readiness of military units in Kalbajar and Lachin regions was inspected - VIDEO

Military units in Nakhchivan are ready for the winter season - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Special Forces continue conducting Tactical-Special Exercises - VIDEO

The Minister of Defense visited the recently established commando military unit - VIDEO

Special Forces conduct Tactical-Special Exercises - VIDEO

Air Defense Units carry out combat firing - VIDEO

Command training classes with commanders and deputy commanders of battalions and batteries were held in Nakhchivan garrison troops - VIDEO

A departure ceremony of the personnel of the Turkish Armed Forces participating in the "Indestructible Brotherhood-2021" exercises was held – VIDEO

The leadership of the Ministry of Defense got acquainted with the process of command and staff exercises of the Naval Forces - VIDEO

Graduation ceremony of the course for long-term active military servicemen was held - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army has started the preparation process for the winter season - VIDEO

The readiness of engineer-sapper troops was inspected - VIDEO

The orchestra of the Military School participated in an international festival in Turkey- VIDEO

The "Indestructible Brotherhood-2021" joint Azerbaijani-Turkish live fire tactical exercises continue in Nakhchivan - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev raised Azerbaijani flag in Sugovushan settlement, Tartar district - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev raised Azerbaijani flag in Talish village of Tartar district - VIDEO

Young soldiers completing special training courses in the Combined Arms Army have been sent to the next duty areas - VIDEO

Deputy Minister of National Defense of the Republic of Turkey Muhsin Dere paid a working visit to Nakhchivan - VIDEO

Special Forces Units of the Combined Arms Army conducted Tactical - Special Exercises on couner - terrorism - VIDEO

Orders and medals were presented to the families of Shehids (Martyrs) in the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Commander of Special Forces meets with veterans and ghazis - VIDEO

A commemorative event on the occasion of the anniversary of the Patriotic War was held in the city of Shusha - VIDEO

Chronicle of Heroism - VİDEO

Victorious Commander-in-Chief, President Ilham Aliyev addressed the nation on the occasion of the Remembrance Day - VIDEO

The "Indestructible Brotherhood-2021" joint live fire tactical exercises continue in Nakhchivan - VIDEO

Video footage of the Atyemazli village of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

Orienteering Competition held among the servicemen ended - VIDEO

Azerbaijani military pilots performed their first flights at the Teknofest-2021 - VIDEO

The closing ceremony of the "Three Brothers - 2021" international exercises was held - VIDEO

The "Indestructible Brotherhood-2021" joint live fire tactical exercises started in Nakhchivan - VIDEO

Distinguished Visitors Day was held during the "Three Brothers - 2021" international exercises - VIDEO

Intensive combat training of mortar units continues - VIDEO

The next stage of the "Three Brothers - 2021" international exercises ended - VIDEO

An event was held to mark the beginning of a new training year in the Military Academy - VIDEO

"Three Brothers - 2021" international exercises continue - VIDEO

The closing ceremony of the "TurAz Falcon - 2021" exercises was held - VIDEO

A march of servicemen was held on the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of Baku's liberation from occupation - VIDEO

"Three Brothers - 2021" international exercises continue - VIDEO

"TurAz Falcon - 2021" joint flight-tactical exercises continue – VIDEO

The military leadership of Azerbaijan and Turkey observed the "TurAz Falcon - 2021" Joint Flight-Tactical Exercises - VIDEO

Oath-taking ceremony of cadets was held at the Military Lyceum - VIDEO

Special forces carried out shooting using various weapons during the "Three Brothers - 2021" international exercises - VIDEO

"TurAz Falcon - 2021" joint flight-tactical exercises continue - VIDEO

Chief of the General Staff of the Azerbaijan Army meets with the military leadership of Turkey - VIDEO

Military Oath taking ceremony of cadets of the Military Medical Faculty was held - VIDEO

A solemn ceremony dedicated to the opening of the "Three Brothers - 2021" international exercises was held - VIDEO

Joint Azerbaijani-Turkish exercises ended in the Lachin region - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army conducts another course for long-term active military servicemen - VIDEO

The next stage of the joint training exercises of Azerbaijani and Turkish underwater offence and defense groups has been accomplished - VIDEO

"TurAz Falcon - 2021" joint exercises continue - VIDEO

Air Defence formations and Units of the Combined Arms Army conducted comprehensive exercises – VIDEO

Joint Azerbaijani-Turkish exercises continue in the Lachin region - VIDEO

Azerbaijani military pilots successfully fulfilled tasks during the "TurAz Falcon - 2021" exercises - VIDEO

Azerbaijan and Turkey continue joint training exercises of underwater offence and underwater defense groups - VIDEO

"TurAz Falcon - 2021" joint flight-tactical exercises continue - VIDEO

The Azerbaijani seamen participating in the "Sea Cup" contest returned to Baku - VIDEO

Video footage of the Mollavali village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

The closing ceremony of the "International Army Games - 2021" was held - VIDEO

Demonstrative classes on "Tactical activities in difficult mountainous areas" were held in the Special Forces Units of the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Video footage of the Dondarli village of the Gubadli region – VIDEO

During the "TurAz Falcon-2021" joint flight-tactical exercises flights are conducted to study the terrain - VIDEO

Closing Ceremony of the "Masters of Artillery Fire" contest was held - VIDEO

Live Fire Exercises are held in the motorized infantry formations of the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Artillery firing at air targets was conducted during the “Sea Cup" contest - VIDEO

Joint training exercises of Azerbaijani and Turkish servicemen started in Baku - VIDEO

"Army of Culture" creative contest has come to an end - VIDEO

Azerbaijani artillerymen successfully completed the "Masters of Artillery Fire" contest

Azerbaijani military seamen won the next episode of the "Sea Cup" contest - VIDEO

Classes are held in the communication units of the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

The semifinals of the "Tank Biathlon" contest are being held - VIDEO

Video footage of the Shirvanli village of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

Tactical-Special Exercises were conducted with Special Forces Units of the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Artillery firing was fulfilled during the "Sea Cup" contest - VIDEO

The drawing procedure of the teams participating in the "Tank Biathlon" contest semi-final was held - VIDEO

The tasks of the next stage of the "Sea Cup" contest have been fulfilled - VIDEO

"Army of Culture" creative contest continues - VIDEO

The "Masters of Artillery Fire" contest continues - VIDEO

Azerbaijani tankmen successfully participate in the "International Army Games - 2021" - VIDEO

The "Masters of Artillery Fire" contest started - VIDEO

The first episode of the "Sea Cup" contest has been performed - VIDEO

Nakhchivan garrison troops continue to take measures against infectious diseases - VIDEO

The opening ceremony of the "Sea Cup" contest was held in Iran - VIDEO

The Deputy Minister of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan attended the solemn opening ceremony of the "International Army Games-2021" - VIDEO

The Minister of Defense attended the graduation ceremony of the Marines Commando Basic Courses - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army’s Mortar Units are conducting combat training classes - VIDEO

Tactical-Special Training is held with Engineer-sapper units - VIDEO

Crews of the armored vehicles improve their combat skills - VIDEO

A meeting between the defense ministers of Azerbaijan and Turkey took place - VIDEO

Aircraft of the Azerbaijan Air Force carry out the first training flights during the summer training period - VIDEO

Azerbaijani peacekeepers perform assigned tasks - VIDEO

The drawing procedure was held for the "Tank biathlon" contest - VIDEO

Azerbaijani military seamen who will take part in the "Sea Cup" contest have been sent - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva visited Kalbajar and Lachin districts - VIDEO

Tactical-Special Exercises are being held with the Air Defense Units of the Combined Arms Army stationed in the front line – VIDEO

Artillery Units of the Azerbaijan Army conduct live-fire exercises - VIDEO

The tank units start intensive combat training sessions - VIDEO

Tank and mechanized units of the Combined Arms Army started the new training period with active exercises – VIDEO

Minister of Defense of Azerbaijan inspected the readiness of the team to participate in the "Sea Cup" contest - VIDEO

The leadership of the Ministry of Defense visited military units being constructed in the liberated territories - VIDEO

The Minister of Defense visited military units deployed in the Kalbajar and Lachin regions - VIDEO

A military-oath taking ceremony for young soldiers was held in Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Bread factory for servicemen operates in the liberated territories - VIDEO

The readiness of new warehouses in the liberated territories for the winter period was inspected - VIDEO

The Minister of Defense inspected military-medical facilities located in the Kalbajar and Lachin regions - VIDEO

The Minister of Defense met with military personnel that is on combat duty in the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

The Minister of Defense inspected the training range being constructed in the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Tactical-Special Exercises were conducted with Special Forces Units of the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Several military facilities of the Land Forces Command have been commissioned - VIDEO

Defense Minister visited several new military units stationed in the liberated territories - VIDEO

Admission examinations for the Long-Term Active Military Service are held - VİDEO

A new training period has started in the Nakhchivan garrison troops – VIDEO

Combat duty is carried out at a high level in the liberated territories - VIDEO

Video footage of the Shuraabad village of the Aghdam region – VIDEO

Defense Minister inquired about the progress of the Officers Advanced Professional Training and Improvement Courses - VIDEO

Training sessions were held with the commanders and deputy commanders of platoons, companies, and batteries of the Nakhchivan garrison troops – VIDEO

The new military unit was commissioned in the territory of the Khojaly region - VIDEO

The visit of the US Oklahoma Army National Guard’s delegation to Azerbaijan continues - VIDEO

Video footage of the Gunashli village of the Kalbajar region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Sofulu village of the Jabrayil region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Goytepe village of the Aghdam region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Altinja village of the Gubadli region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Bezirkhana village of the Kalbajar region – VIDEO

The new military units were commissioned in the territory of the Khojavend region - VIDEO

The holiday of Gurban Bayram was solemnly celebrated in Shusha city - VIDEO

The opening of a new military unit was held in the territory of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Boyagli village of the Kalbajar region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Dagh Tumas village of the Jabrayil region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Dagh Mashanli village of the Jabrayil region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Sheylanli village of the Lachin region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Chalabilar village of the Jabrayil region – VIDEO

The issues of expanding relations between the Air Forces of Azerbaijan and Turkey were discussed - VIDEO

The departure ceremony of servicemen discharged from military service was held in the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

Video footage of the Mirik village of the Lachin region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Chullu village of the Jabrayil region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Minkand village of the Lachin region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Pirahmadli village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

Nakhchivan garrison troops held the graduation ceremony of the Reserve Officer Training Course - VIDEO

"Mustafa Kemal Ataturk-2021" exercises ended in Baku - VIDEO

"Anatolian Eagle - 2021" International Flight-Tactical Exercises ended - VIDEO

The tasks of the last stage of "Anatolian Eagle - 2021" International Flight-Tactical Exercises was accomplished - VIDEO

Combat-training tasks are successfully accomplished in the Azerbaijani-Turkish joint exercises - VIDEO

Video footage of the Seyidlar village of the Lachin region – VIDEO

"Anatolian Eagle - 2021" International Flight-Tactical Exercises successfully continue - VIDEO

Video footage of the Sofulu village of the Aghdam region – VIDEO

Distinguished Visitors Day was held during "Anatolian Eagle - 2021" International Flight-Tactical Exercises - VIDEO

Combat-training tasks are successfully accomplished in the Azerbaijani-Turkish joint exercises - VIDEO

Azerbaijani-Turkish joint exercises continue in Baku - VIDEO

Video footage of the Musabayli village of the Fuzuli region – VIDEO

The tasks of conducting air battles were accomplished in the "Anatolian Eagle - 2021" International Flight-Tactical Exercises - VIDEO

Video footage of the Sheylanli village of the Lachin region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Zangilan village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army’s servicemen were awarded – VIDEO

A media tour was organized on the occasion of the Armed Forces Day – VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev met with leadership and a group of military personnel of Azerbaijani Army on Armed Forces Day - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev viewed conditions created at new military camp of Air Force of Defense Ministry and apartments for families of servicemen - VIDEO

26 June – Armed Forces Day of Azerbaijan - VIDEO

A graduation ceremony was held at the Azerbaijan Military Academy named after Heydar Aliyev - VIDEO

Defense Minister visited the military hospital on the occasion of Armed Forces Day - VIDEO

A servicemen’s expedition to the "Zafar" peak ended - VIDEO

Video footage of the Shahvalli village of the Jabrayil region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Garakechdi village of the Lachin region - VIDEO

"Anatolian Eagle - 2021" International Flight-Tactical Exercises continue - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Naval Forces tactical exercises ended - VIDEO

Another new modular military unit was commissioned in the liberated territories – VIDEO

Video footage of the Salahli Kangarli village of the Aghdam region – VIDEO

"Anatolian Eagle - 2021" International Flight-Tactical Exercises started - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev received Chief of Army Staff of Pakistan - VIDEO

Video footage of the Galacha village of the Lachin region – VIDEO

Another group of servicemen of the Azerbaijan Army was sent to a Commando Courses in Turkey - VIDEO

Video footage of the Sarili Khashtab village of the Zangilan region – VIDEO

Another graduation ceremony of cadets was held at the Military Lyceum named after Jamshid Nakhchivanski - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army Officers’ Retraining and Advanced Training Courses ended - VIDEO

Video footage of the Ahmadli village of the Lachin region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Jafarabad village of the Jabrayil region – VIDEO

Azerbaijan Military Academy conducts state examinations - VIDEO

The Command-Staff Exercises of the Nakhchivan garrison troops ended - VIDEO

Schoolchildren of Nakhchivan Garrison Secondary School took part in practical classes - VIDEO

Video footage of the Kamalli village of the Lachin region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Gejagozlu village of the Fuzuli region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Bozlu village of the Lachin region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Mammadbayli village of the Zangilan region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Chepli village of the Kalbajar region – VIDEO

The Nakhchivan garrison troops started the Command-Staff Exercises – VIDEO

Video footage of the Aghbulag village of the Lachin region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Aladin village of the Zangilan region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Haji Ismayilli village of the Jabrayil region – VIDEO

The athletics and gymnastics championship was held among servicemen in the Nakhchivan garrison – VIDEO

Nakhchivan garrison troops held training-methodical sessions - VIDEO

Video footage of the Abilja village of the Gubadli region – VIDEO

Military aerodrome complex of Combined Arms Army - VİDEO

Video footage of the Isgandarbayli village of the Zangilan region – VIDEO

Prospects for the development of Azerbaijani-Turkish military cooperation were discussed - VIDEO

Video footage of the Lev village of the Kalbajar region – VIDEO

The opening of new military units was held in the territory of Aghdam region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Alikeykhali village of the Jabrayil region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Jemilli village of the Kalbajar region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Tinli village of the Gubadli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Damirchidam village of the Kalbajar region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Haji Isagli village of the Jabrayil region – VIDEO

An event on the military unit’s anniversary was held - VIDEO

Video footage of the Esrik village of the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Nakhchivan garrison troops held another graduation ceremony of special training courses – VIDEO

The Command-Staff Exercises of the Nakhchivan garrison troops ended – VIDEO

Video footage of the destruction of enemy’s air defense means during the Patriotic War - VIDEO

The opening of new military units was held in the territory of Aghdam and Khojavend regions - VIDEO

28 May – Republic Day was celebrated in Shusha city - VIDEO

Video footage of the destruction of enemy’s military vehicles during the Patriotic War – VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev attended ceremony to lay foundation stone for restoration of Aghdam city, met with members of general public - VIDEO

Video footage of the Hasanli village of the Jabrayil region – VIDEO

The Nakhchivan garrison troops continue to conduct Command-Staff Exercises - VIDEO

Military attachés have been informed about the enemy provocation on state border – VIDEO

Regular Command training classes were held in the Nakhchivan garrison troops - VIDEO

Video footage of the destruction of enemy artillery pieces during the Patriotic War – VIDEO

Video footage of the destruction of enemy tanks during the Patriotic War – VIDEO

The Azerbaijan Naval Forces ship crews carried out combat firing – VIDEO

A media tour was organized for media representatives to familiarize with engineering equipment – VIDEO

Video footage of the Sirik village of the Jabrayil region – VIDEO

The memory of the Shehids is commemorated - VIDEO

Video footage of the Talishlar village of the Aghdam region – VIDEO

The graduation ceremony of the Reserve Officer Training Course was held - VIDEO

Video footage of the Mulkudara village of Khojavend region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Zallar village of the Kalbajar region – VIDEO

The Nakhchivan garrison troops continue to conduct Command-Staff Exercises – VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army held military pentathlon competitions - VIDEO

Video footage of the Mashanli village of the Jabrayil region – VIDEO

Tactical exercises were held with the participation of Azerbaijani and Turkish servicemen - VIDEO

Video footage of the Gasimbinesi village of the Kalbajar region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Shikhlar village of the Jabrayil region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Tepemehle village of the Aghdam region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Saridash village of the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

The Ministers of Defense of Azerbaijan and Belarus visited the military units - VIDEO

The Nakhchivan garrison troops continue to conduct Command-Staff Exercises – VIDEO

The Combined Arms Army hosted an event on the occasion of the third anniversary of the Gunnut operation - VIDEO

The troops involved in the exercises fulfill the assigned tasks - VIDEO

Azerbaijan and Belarus discussed prospects for the development of military-technical cooperation - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev received Belarus defense minister - VIDEO

UAV crews fulfill the training tasks during the exercises - VIDEO

The Nakhchivan garrison troops started the regular Command-Staff Exercises – VIDEO

Tasks are fulfilled on the maps in the course of the exercises - VIDEO

The troops involved in the exercises move to assembly areas - VIDEO

Redeployment of combat aircraft was held in the course of the exercises - VIDEO

The tank units involved in the exercises fulfill assigned tasks - VIDEO

Rocket and artillery units are moving forward on the designated routes - VIDEO

The troops involved in the exercises are moving forward to the operational areas - VIDEO

The Minister of Defense took part in the opening of new military units stationed in the liberated territories - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva attended opening of “Kharibulbul” festival in Shusha - VIDEO

A new modular military unit was commissioned in the liberated territories on the 98th birthday anniversary of National Leader - VIDEO

A Military Oath taking ceremony was held in the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

The Military Lyceum celebrated the 98th birthday anniversary of National Leader - VIDEO

Defense Ministry’s leadership paid tribute to the memory of the National Leader - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army held several events on the occasion of the 76th anniversary of the Victory - VIDEO

Defense Ministry’s leadership paid tribute to the memory of compatriots, who died in the Great Patriotic War - VIDEO

The 76th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War was celebrated in Shusha - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev paid tribute to Azerbaijanis who made unparalleled contribution to victory over fascism - VIDEO

Community cleanup day was organized in the Azerbaijan Army on the occasion of the 76th anniversary of Victory - VIDEO

Shusha city is the cultural capital of Azerbaijan - VIDEO

A Military Oath taking ceremony of young soldiers was held in Nakhchivan garrison troops - VIDEO

Another enemy targets destroyed by the Azerbaijan Air Force during the 44-day Patriotic War - VIDEO

Video footage of the Garapirimli village of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

Another batch of new engineering machinery and equipment delivered from Turkey to Azerbaijan - VIDEO

UAV crews carry out training flights - VIDEO

Activities are being taken to increase the combat readiness of chemical, bacteriological and radiological defense units - VIDEO

A series of events dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Military Lyceum named after J. Nakhchivanski continue - VIDEO

Video footage of the Ashaghi Sirik village of the Jabrayil region – VIDEO

The Nakhchivan garrison troops conducted Command-Staff Exercises - VIDEO

Video footage of the Galajig village of the Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Sarihajıli village of the Aghdam region – VIDEO

The Azerbaijan Army continues to hold a series of events to celebrate the 880th anniversary of Nizami Ganjavi - VIDEO

The memory of the officer, who died as Shehid, was honored at the Military Lyceum named after J. Nakhchivanski - VIDEO

The cadets of Azerbaijan Military Academy named after Heydar Aliyev visited the Military Trophy Park - VIDEO

Video footage of the Umudlu village of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva visited Jabrayil and Zangilan districts - VİDEO

Video footage of the Yusiflar village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

The Nakhchivan garrison troops carried out an inspection of the vehicles - VIDEO

Video footage of the Aghkand village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Poladli village of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Garagol village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Shihbabali village of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Sharikan village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

Activity of the Engineering Troops in the liberated territories continue - VIDEO

Video footage of the Mughanli village of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

Tactical-Special Classes were conducted with the communications units of the formations and military units of the Nakhchivan garrison troops - VIDEO

Schoolchildren took part in practical classes organized at the Training Center of the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Video footage of the Najaflar village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Shahvaladli village of the Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Anti-aircraft missile units conduct live-fire tactical exercises - VIDEO

Command training classes were conducted with commanders and deputy commanders of military units of Nakhchivan garrison troops - VIDEO

Video footage of the Bash Garvand village of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Ulashli village of the Gubadli region - VIDEO

A seminar on international humanitarian law was held - VIDEO

Training-Educational Center of the Armed Forces hosted Scientific-Practical Seminar - VIDEO

Video footage of the İsmayilbeyli village of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Mehdili village of the Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Sardarli village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Saybali village of Aghdam region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Tarovlu village of the Gubadli region - VIDEO

New video footage of the Dash Veysalli village of the Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Mamar village of the Gubadli region - VIDEO

Rocket-artillery batteries conduct live-fire tactical exercises - VIDEO

Video footage of the Baghbanlar village of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

The Nakhchivan garrison troops conducted regular commander training classes - VIDEO

Special attention is paid to the training of young soldiers in the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

Reconstruction work has been carried out in the Central food warehouse’s branch depots located in the regions - VIDEO

Video footage of the Agh oyug settlement of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

Anti-aircraft missile troops conducted live-fire exercises - VIDEO

Video footage of the Sedi village of the Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Sarigishlag village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

Training exercises were held in the peacekeeping units of the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

Live-fire tactical exercises of Rocket and artillery batteries of the Azerbaijan Army started - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev attended opening of Military Trophy Park in Baku - VIDEO

Video footage of the Ashaghi Rafadinli village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

The 29th anniversary of the military police is celebrated - VIDEO

Azerbaijani and Turkish armies Joint Operational-Tactical Exercises ended - VIDEO

The Nakhchivan garrison troops conducted regular commander training classes - VIDEO

The tank units carried out combat firing - VIDEO

The process of setting up modular dormitories in the liberated territories is underway - VIDEO

The tank units conduct intensive combat training sessions - VIDEO

Azerbaijani and Turkish armies Joint Operational-Tactical Exercises started - VIDEO

The Ministers of Defense of Azerbaijan and Turkey observed the joint activity of the automated control systems of the two countries - VIDEO

Combat training classes with reconnaissance units are conducted - VIDEO

Signal troops of the Azerbaijani and Turkish armies began joint exercises - VIDEO

Activities on the engineering support for units stationed in liberated territories are being continued – VIDEO

Enemy targets destroyed by the Azerbaijan Air Force during the 44-day Patriotic War - VIDEO

Courses organized in the Nakhchivan garrison troops ended – VIDEO

The Nakhchivan garrison troops conducted Command-Staff Exercises – VIDEO

Video footage of the Turabad village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Horovlu village of the Jabrayil region - VIDEO

The graves of the Shehids of the April battles were visited - VIDEO

The memory of the National Hero Shukur Hamidov was honored - VIDEO

A remembrance ceremony of the National Hero Shukur Hamidov was held - VIDEO

Video footage of the Udgun village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army held several events related to the anniversary of the genocide of Azerbaijanis - VIDEO

Pakistani military delegation visits Azerbaijan’s military educational institutions - VIDEO

The memory of the victims of the March 31 – genocide of Azerbaijanis was honored in Shusha city - VIDEO

The memory of the National Hero Murad Mirzoyev was honored - VIDEO

Video footage of the Divanalilar village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

Pakistani Air Force delegation is on a visit to Azerbaijan - VIDEO

Improving the professionalism of military tutors in Nakhchivan is in the spotlight – VIDEO

Young soldiers were sent to the duty areas in the Combined Arms Army – VIDEO

The Nakhchivan garrison troops held a tactical training - VIDEO

The Minister of Defense demanded to increase the combat capability of the units - VIDEO

Video footage of the Khudaverdili village of the Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Chopadara village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

Novruz cuisine was organized at the Joint Monitoring Center - VIDEO

A Specialized Training Sessions are held with the Combined Arms Army’s anti-tank units – VIDEO

Video footage of the Arish village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Mahmudlu village of the Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Ichari Mushlan village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Ishigli village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Yukhari Mollu village of the Gubadli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Gumlag village of the Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Baharli village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Yukhari Guzlak village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Chardagli village of the Gubadli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Aghtapa village of the Jabrayil region - VIDEO

An event on the occasion of the Novruz holiday was held in one of the military units – VIDEO

Video footage reflecting the destruction of enemy’s military vehicles and manpower by the precise fire of the rocket-artillery and anti-tank units of the Azerbaijan Army during the Patriotic War – VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army’s Operational-Tactical Exercises ended - VIDEO

Defense Minister took part in the opening ceremony of new military units - VIDEO

Defense Minister visited the Air Force Combined Command Post within the scope of the exercises - VIDEO

The Minister of Defense visited units stationed in the liberated territories - VIDEO

The leadership of the Ministry of Defense visited the Alley of Shehids (Martyrs) in Barda city - VIDEO

Defense Minister heard the reports on the progress of the exercises - VIDEO

The exercises continue - VIDEO

UAV crews fulfill the tasks of the exercises - VIDEO

Reports on the progress of the exercises were heard - VIDEO

The troops involved in the exercises occupy assembly areas - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev and first lady Mehriban Aliyeva visited Fuzuli and Khojavand districts - VIDEO

Rocket and artillery units are moving forward on the designated routes – VIDEO

Tasks are fulfilled on the maps in the course of the exercises - VIDEO

The troops involved in the exercises are moving forward to the operational areas - VIDEO

The troops and military vehicles to be involved in the exercises have left for the exercises area - VIDEO

The Nakhchivan garrison troops conducted Command-Staff Exercises - VIDEO

Military Chefs Training Courses ended - VIDEO

Video footage of the Girag Mushlan village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

Training classes are held with the tank formations of the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Video footage of the Mirzahasanlar village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Sarajig village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Bakhtiyarli village of the Gubadli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Huseynalilar village of the Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Gorazilli village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Garagoz village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Suma village of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Garakollu village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Papi village of the Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Garadara village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army is conducting live-fire training classes with the crews of armored fighting vehicles – VIDEO

Video footage of the Taghibeyli village of the Aghdam region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Yukhari Rafadinli village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Kechikli village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Garadaghli village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

Command training classes were held in the Nakhchivan garrison troops - VIDEO

Azerbaijan and Pakistan discussed areas of military cooperation - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev received in a video format delegation led by Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee of Pakistan - VIDEO

Video footage of the Beshdali village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Uchbulag village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

Mortar batteries completed the regular stage of live-fire training exercises - VIDEO

Video footage of the Gulluja village of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Chiraguz village of Khojavend region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Eyvazkhanbeyli village of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Afandilar village of the Gubadli region – VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army held several events on the occasion of the 29th anniversary of the Khojaly genocide - VIDEO

Video footage of the Ternoyut village of the Aghdam region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Yusifbayli village of the Gubadli region – VIDEO

Video footage reflecting airstrikes of the Su-25 attack aircraft and combat helicopters inflicted on the enemy during the Patriotic War – VIDEO

Video footage of the Aghdam village of Khojavend region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Hal village of the Gubadli region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Yeni Garalar village of the Aghdam region – VIDEO

Live-fire training exercises of mortar batteries continue - VIDEO

Video footage of the Chaytumas village of the Gubadli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Alimedetli village of the Aghdam region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Ikinji Alibeyli village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

Special training classes are held in the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Video footage of the Galaychilar village of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Hamzali village of the Gubadli region - VIDEO

The family of the Shehid (martyr), the commander of the battalion of the Azerbaijan Army was awarded the NATO Meritorious Service Medal - VIDEO

Live-fire training exercises of mortar batteries continue - VIDEO

Video footage of the Birinji Alibeyli village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Aliaghali village of the Aghdam region – VIDEO

Azerbaijan Air Force aircraft are carrying out the first practical flights in the new training year - VIDEO

Video footage of the Govshatli village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

Mortar batteries conducted combat fires – VIDEO

Video footage of the Jinli village of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Hunarli village of Khojavend region - VIDEO

Vaccination against COVID-19 has been launched in the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

Video footage of the Babayli village of the Zangilan region – VIDEO

The unnamed high ground on the east of Bazarduzu peak was named "Zafar zirvesi" - VIDEO

Nakhchivan garrison troops held training-methodological sessions with deputy commanders for ideological work and moral-psychological support - VIDEO

The Air Force of the Combined Arms Army conducted tactical-special exercises - VIDEO

The Combined Arms Army’s servicemen successfully completing the Winter Exercises-2021 returned to the duty areas - VIDEO

Azerbaijani tankmen conducted the first combat fires in the new training year - VIDEO

Video footage of the Bina village of Khojavend region – VIDEO

An event was held at the Military Lyceum named after Jamshid Nakhchivanski - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev and first lady Mehriban Aliyeva visited Fuzuli, Zangilan, Lachin and Jabrayil districts - VIDEO

Video footage of the Khachinderbetli village of the Aghdam region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Chullu village of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Garalar village of the Gubadli region - VIDEO

Activities are being carried out in regard to the beginning of the new training year in the Azerbaijan Naval Forces - VIDEO

Turkish Ministry of National Defense published new video footage of Winter Exercise-2021 - VIDEO

Video footage of the Gurdlar village of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Zilanli village of the Gubadli region – VIDEO

Turkish Ministry of National Defense published new video footage of Joint Winter Exercise 2021 - VIDEO

Servicemen of the Combined Arms Army fulfill practical actions as part of the Winter Exercise-2021 - VIDEO

A new training year is being continued in the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

Video footage of the Vanadli village of the Zangilan region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Gazyan village of the Gubadli region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Mollalar village of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Dileli Muskenli village of the Gubadli region - VIDEO

A Military Oath taking ceremony was held in the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

Video footage of the Niyazgulular village of the Jabrayil region - VIDEO

A Military Oath taking ceremony was held in Nakhchivan garrison troops – VIDEO

Video footage of the Mughanli village of the Gubadli region - VIDEO

The units fulfilled tactical-special tasks of engineering support in the Winter Exercise-2021 - VIDEO

Video footage of the Soltanli village of the Jabrayil region - VIDEO

New engineering machinery and equipment delivered from Turkey to Azerbaijan - VIDEO

Azerbaijani servicemen demonstrate high professionalism in the Winter Exercise-2021 - VIDEO

Video footage of the Garazeynalli village of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Alagurshag village of the Gubadli region - VIDEO

A new training year has begun in the Nakhchivan garrison troops - VIDEO

Joint Tactical Winter Exercise 2021 started - VIDEO

Video footage of the Garakhanchalli village of the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Mirler village of the Gubadli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Gullar village of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

The opening ceremony of the Turkish-Russian Joint Monitoring Center was held - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Ministry: “The Turkish personnel of the Turkish-Russian Joint Monitoring Center are in Azerbaijan" - VIDEO

Video footage of the Yal Pirahmadli village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Mammadbayli village of the Zangilan region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Juvarli village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Zargar village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Alibeyli village of the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Khalafsha village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Goyarchinveysalli village of the Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Damirchilar village of the Gubadli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Karkhulu village of the Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Dovlatyarli village of the Fuzuli region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Kurdlar village of the Fuzuli region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Ashaghi Aybasanli village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Jomerd village of the Kalbajar region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Ashaghi Veysalli village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

A group of servicemen of the Combined Arms Army was prematurely awarded the next military ranks – VIDEO

Video footage of the Gamishli village of the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Ashaghi Maralyan village of the Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Yukhari Abdurrahmanli village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Garghabazar village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Kendyeri village of the Kalbajar region – VIDEO

Video footage of the Dordchinar village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Nadirkhanli village of the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Anniversary of January 20th tragedy was marked in Shusha - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army held events on the occasion of the anniversary of the January 20th tragedy - VIDEO

Video footage of the Chopurlu village of the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

The admission of young soldiers to training military units is being held - VIDEO

Video footage of the Shakarjik village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Alolar village of the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Merdinli village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Khidirli village of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

Servicemen of the Combined Arms Army to take part in the Winter Exercises-2021 – VIDEO

Video footage of the Shelli village of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Mirzajamalli village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Hajikand village of the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Gasimli village of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev laid foundation stones for Fuzuli-Shusha highway and Fuzuli airport in Fuzuli district, visited the city of Shusha - VIDEO

Video footage of the Boyuk Marjanli village of Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Activities on the engineering support for units stationed in liberated territories are carried out - VIDEO

Video footage of the Garvand village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Alasgarli village of the Fuzuli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Ashaghi Shurtan village of the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Shaplar village of the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Activities on the provision of military personnel and organization of the service are being continued - VIDEO

Video footage of the Gubadli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Keshdak village of the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Dashbulag village of the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Muradkhanli village of the Gubadli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Ashaghi Ayrim village of the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Yukhari Ayrim village of the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Otagli village of the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

The health status of servicemen is always in the center of attention – VIDEO

Video footage of the Tiri village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Mahmudlu village of the Gubadli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Allikand village of the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Jahangirbayli village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Zivel village of the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Azykh cave - VIDEO

Video footage of the Genlik village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Rebend village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Yenikend village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Malatkeshin village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Khojahan village of the Gubadli region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Baghlipeye village of the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Defense Minister visited the military hospital on the occasion of the holidays - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev received delegation led by Turkish Minister of National Defense - VIDEO

The Azerbaijani-Turkish brotherhood is eternal and indestructible! - VIDEO

Video footage of the Niftalilar village of Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Uchunju Aghali village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

Video footage from the village of Almalig of the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Azerbaijani and Turkish military sappers fulfill engineering support tasks - VIDEO

Video footage of the Nusus village of the Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Ikinji Aghali village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

Ghazis of the Patriotic War are always in the center of attention - VIDEO

Video footage of the Isagli village of the Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Birinji Aghali village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

The provision of the Azerbaijan Army Units stationed in liberated territories is being improved - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army Units carry out combat firing - VIDEO

Video footage of the Chirag village of the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Units of the Azerbaijan Army conduct combat training classes - VIDEO

Video footage of the Parioglular village of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Mammadsefi village of Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Giyasli village of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

Activities on the engineering support for troops in liberated territories are carried out - VIDEO

New video footage of the Hovuslu village of the Jabrayil region - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev and first lady Mehriban Aliyeva visited Gubadli and Zangilan districts - VIDEO

Video footage of the Valigulubayli village of the Zangilan region - VIDEO

Continuous logistic support is provided for troops deployed in the liberated territories - VIDEO

Video footage of the Seyidli village of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Minjivan settlement of Zangilan region - VIDEO

Young soldiers were sent to duty areas in the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Video footage of the Zogalbulag village of Khojavend region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Balyand village of Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Turkish military sappers conduct training on engineering support - VIDEO

The military police are involved in ensuring security in the liberated territories - VIDEO

Video footage of the Garajalli village of Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Work to improve the supply of troops is being continued - VIDEO

Video footage of the Chukhurmehle village of Aghdam region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Ahmadavar village of Aghdam region - VIDEO

New video footage of the Minbashili village of Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Aghdamkand village of Aghdam region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Dash Veysalli village of Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Activities to improve the supply of our units are being continued - VIDEO

Video footage of the Imambinasi village of Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Boyuk Taghlar village of Khojavend region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Shikhaliaghali village of Jabrayil region - VIDEO

A video coverage of the liberated from occupation Mazra village of Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Video coverage of the Seyidlar village of Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Video coverage of the liberated from occupation Sarijali village of Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Video coverage of the Zar village of Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Video coverage of the Dejal village of Jabrayil region – VIDEO

Video coverage of the Amirvarli village of Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Video coverage of the Zeylik village of Kalbajar region - VIDEO

The video coverage of the liberated from occupation Shakhveledli and Imambaghi villages of Jabrail region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Khyzyl Kangarli village of Aghdam region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Boyakhmedli village of Aghdam region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Papravend village of the Aghdam region - VIDEO

A Victory parade dedicated to Victory in the Patriotic war was held at Azadlig Square, Baku - VIDEO

Video footage of the Zulfugarly village of Kalbajar region – VIDEO

Preparatory training for the military parade dedicated to the Victory in the Patriotic War is being conducted - VIDEO

Video footage of the Yanshag village of Kalbajar region – VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army honored the memory of the Shehids of the Patriotic War - VIDEO

Video footage of the Husulu and Malibey villages of Lachin region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Lachin city - VIDEO

The other logistic support assets brought for the peacekeeping contingent were delivered to the destination point - VIDEO

Video footage of the Garygyshlag village of Lachin region - VIDEO

Seyudlyu (Zod) gold ore field of Kalbajar region - VIDEO

The delivery process of logistic support assets for the peacekeeping contingent continues - VIDEO

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev addressed the nation - VIDEO

The Azerbaijani flag was raised up in the liberated from occupation Lachin region - VIDEO

Units of the Azerbaijan Army entered the Lachin region - VIDEO

The other logistic support assets for the peacekeeping contingent were delivered - VIDEO

Activities on the provision of the peacekeeping contingent of the Russian Federation are being held - VIDEO

Video footage of the Shahbulag village of Aghdam region - VIDEO

Video footage of the liberated from occupation villages of Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Vang village of Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Video footage of the Istisu settlement of Kalbajar region - VIDEO

The Azerbaijani flag was raised up in the liberated from the occupation Kalbajar city - VIDEO

Video footage of the movement of our units to the liberated from occupation Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Another video of the entry of our units to the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev addressed the nation - VIDEO

New video footage of the entry of the Azerbaijan Army Units to the Kalbajar region - VIDEO

The first footage of the liberated from occupation Kalbajar region - VIDEO

Aerial video of the Shusha city - VIDEO

Video footage of liberated from the occupation Abdal and Gulabli villages of Aghdam region - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev and first lady Mehriban Aliyeva visited liberated from occupation Aghdam city VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev received delegation led by Russian defense minister - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army hoisted the Azerbaijani flag in Aghdam - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev addressed the nation - VIDEO

Video coverage of the liberated from occupation Domi village of Khojavend region - VIDEO

Video coverage of the liberated from occupation Dashbashi village of Khojavend region - VIDEO

Aerial video of the liberated from occupation Hadrut settlement and Tug village of Khojavend region - VIDEO

New video coverage of the liberated from occupation Talish village of Terter region - VIDEO

Video coverage of the liberated from occupation Gulebird village of Lachin region - VIDEO

Video coverage of the liberated from occupation Khendek and Muradkhanli villages of Gubadli region – VIDEO

Video coverage of the liberated from occupation Sugovushan village of Terter region – VIDEO

Video coverage of the liberated from occupation Tug village of Khojavend region - VIDEO

Video coverage of the liberated from occupation Khojik village of Gubadly region and Hovuslu village of Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Video coverage of the liberated from occupation Azikh, Akaku and Agbulag villages of the Khojavend region - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev and first lady Mehriban Aliyeva met with servicemen undergoing treatment at Clinical Medical Center No 1 - VIDEO

Azerbaijani and Turkish Defense Ministers held a meeting - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev received Turkish Foreign Minister, Minister of National Defense and Director of National Intelligence Organization - VIDEO

The enemy’s manpower was destroyed in the Khojavend direction of the front - VIDEO

The enemy's "OSA" anti-aircraft missile system was destroyed in the Khojavend direction of the front - VIDEO

The enemy's Tor-M2KM SAM was destroyed in the Khojavend direction of the front - VIDEO

Video footage from liberated Shusha city - VIDEO

Artillery strikes were launched on enemy positions in the Khojavend direction of the front - VIDEO

The enemy's military vehicles were destroyed - VIDEO

The enemy's firing point and personnel were destroyed - VIDEO

The enemy fled, leaving some positions in the Khojavend direction of the front - VIDEO

Video footage of the liberated Tsakuri village of Khojavend region - VIDEO

High-ranking enemy officials were killed in the Khojavend direction of the front - VIDEO

Video footage of the liberated Balasoltanli village of Gubadli region - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev and first lady Mehriban Aliyeva visited Alley of Honors and Alley of Martyrs - VIDEO

Video footage of liberated from the occupation villages of Jabrayil region - VIDEO

The combat positions of the Armenian armed forces were hit - VIDEO

Video footage of liberated from the occupation villages of Fuzuli region - VIDEO

The firing points of the enemy's mortars in Goyarkh were hit - VIDEO

The enemy's military infrastructure in Tonashen was destroyed - VIDEO

Video footage of liberated from the occupation villages of Fuzuli and Khojavend regions - VIDEO

Military vehicles left by the Armenian armed forces on the battlefield while fleeing and seized as a war trophy - VIDEO

The enemy's anti-aircraft gun was disabled - VIDEO

Enemy guns were destroyed in the Khojavend direction of the front - VIDEO

Enemy tanks were destroyed in the battles near Khojavend - VIDEO

The enemy suffered heavy losses - VIDEO

The next enemy ammunition depots were destroyed - VIDEO

The enemy's "KUB" air defense missile system was destroyed - VİDEO

The enemy's personnel was destroyed - VIDEO

Enemy’s 4 "Grad" MLRS were destroyed - VIDEO

Destruction of enemy forces by airstrikes - VIDEO

Enemy's military convoy was destroyed - VIDEO

Destruction of the enemy’s military personnel – VIDEO

Enemy’s two artillery batteries were destroyed - VIDEO

Enemy’s two "Grad" MLRS were destroyed - VIDEO

Another war trophy was taken from the enemy in the Zangilan direction - VIDEO

Enemy's military trucks loaded with ammunition were blown up - VIDEO

The sabotage-reconnaissance group was destroyed and two enemy military vehicles were disabled - VIDEO

The enemy's military equipment and personnel were destroyed - VIDEO

Another "Osa" anti-aircraft missile system was destroyed - VIDEO

Precise strikes were inflicted on the enemy - VIDEO

Two more "Smerch" belonging to the enemy, which fired at the cities of Barda and Tartar, were destroyed today - VIDEO

A video coverage of the liberated from occupation Khudafarin village of Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Enemy's rocket-artillery depot has been destroyed - VIDEO

The "Smerch", which shelled Barda, was destroyed - VIDEO

Enemy forces and equipment were destroyed - VIDEO

The Azerbaijan Army Units destroy enemy units that subjected to fire our civilian infrastructure and peaceful population - VIDEO

The enemy’s forces, who subjected to fire peaceful population in the Barda city, were destroyed on the battlefield - VIDEO

Video footage of ammunition, armored and auto vehicles left by the enemy on the battlefield while fleeing - VIDEO

Video footage of liberated from the occupation Giyasli and Sariyatag villages of Gubadli region - VIDEO

The enemy forces who could not resist the accurate fire strikes of our units and fled from the battlefield were destroyed - VIDEO

The enemy's personnel who subjected to fire our civilian infrastructure and the peaceful population was destroyed by an accurate fire of the Azerbaijan Army Units - VIDEO

Units of the Azerbaijan Army destroyed the enemy that subjected to fire our cities and regions - VIDEO

Video footage of military equipment and ammunition left by the enemy while fleeing during the battles in the Gubadli direction - VIDEO

Liberated from occupation Gubadli city - VIDEO

The liberated from occupation Khanlig village of the Gubadli region - VIDEO

The liberated from occupation Padar village of the Gubadli region - VIDEO

The enemy's military equipment and ammunition were destroyed - VIDEO

The enemy was forced to retreat, suffering losses - VIDEO

Video footage of liberated from the occupation villages of Jabrayil and Zangilan regions - VIDEO

The enemy’s firing points were destroyed - VIDEO

Video footage of the liberated from occupation villages of the Gubadly region - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army uses precision weapons against the enemy – VIDEO

The enemy's combat equipment was destroyed – VIDEO

International organizations were informed about Armenia's direct participation in the conflict - VIDEO

Artillery units of the Azerbaijan Army continue to inflict crushing blows on the enemy - VIDEO

Video footage of the enemy’s military equipment destroyed at night – VIDEO

Artillery units and a command post of the enemy were destroyed as a result of airstrikes - VIDEO

Destruction of the volunteer groups and military equipment of the enemy - VIDEO

Liberated from the occupation the Minbashili village of the Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Military personnel and armored vehicles of the enemy getting ready for redeployment were destroyed - VIDEO

Enemy forces and equipment were destroyed, their positions have been struck - VIDEO

The artillerymen of the Azerbaijan Army continue to inflict precise strikes at the enemy's firing points - VIDEO

Video footage of another seized military equipment of the enemy - VIDEO

Another military equipment both left by the enemy on the battlefield while fleeing and destroyed by the units of the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

Liberated from the occupation the Chereken village of the Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Artillery strikes at the night and day time - VIDEO

Armenian armed forces units in Gubadli direction were destroyed - VIDEO

The artillery units of the Azerbaijan Army are inflicting strikes at the firing points of the Armenian armed forces - VIDEO

War trophies seized from the enemy in the Jabrayil and Fizuli directions - VIDEO

The Azerbaijani flag was raised up in the center of liberated from the occupation Fizuli city - VIDEO

Enemy military equipment and weapons seized - VIDEO

Azerbaijani soldiers have seized the positions of Armenian special forces - VIDEO

Enemy's military unit was seized - VİDEO

More of enemy's armored vehicles were destroyed - VIDEO

The enemy's fuel and ammunition depots were defeated by the airstrikes - VIDEO

Launching rocket and artillery strikes against enemy positions - VIDEO

A large number of military personnel of the Armenian armed forces were destroyed by a precise fire - VIDEO

Destruction of the enemy S-300 anti-aircraft missile system - VIDEO

A large number of enemy forces and military equipment were destroyed in various directions of the front - VIDEO

New video footage of the liberated from occupation the Hadrut settlement - VIDEO

Video footage of the liberated from occupation villages of the Khojavend region - VİDEO

Liberated from occupation Jabrayil city - VIDEO

Video footage of deployment of the previously destroyed enemy operational-tactical missile systems to the starting positions - VİDEO

Liberated from occupation Hadrut settlement - VIDEO

The Suleymanli village of the Jabrayil region liberated from the occupation - VIDEO

Mobile logistic support points for troops participating in the battles have been created – VIDEO

3 UAVs of the enemy were destroyed

New videos from the liberated Sugovushan village - VIDEO

The new video footage of liberated from the occupation Horadiz village of the Fizuli region - VIDEO

The Dashkasan village of the Jabrayil region liberated from the occupation - VIDEO

A group of local media representatives visited the liberated Talish village - VIDEO

The moment of the destruction of the UAV of Armenia by the Azerbaijan Air Defense Units in the Mingachevir direction this morning - VIDEO

Enemy forces and equipment were destroyed - VIDEO

Enemy’s anti-aircraft missile systems brought into the state of combat readiness were destroyed - VIDEO

Enemy heavy artillery deployed to firing points to violate the ceasefire regime, was destroyed by precise strikes – VİDEO

Artillery unit of the enemy deliberately violated ceasefire regime was destroyed – VIDEO

Armored vehicle of the enemy violated ceasefire was destroyed - VIDEO

Enemy’s other artillery pieces were destroyed – VIDEO

Units of the Azerbaijan Army are destroying heavy combat armored equipment of the enemy by the accurate fire - VIDEO

The Talish village of the Terter region liberated from the occupation - VIDEO

Enemy armored vehicles were destroyed in their firing positions - VIDEO

The Sugovushan village of the Terter region liberated from the occupation - VIDEO

Enemy's electronic warfare equipment destroyed - VIDEO

The enemy's "Grads" were destroyed - VIDEO

Armored vehicles left by the enemy while fleeing are being repainted in the color of military equipment of the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

A large number of enemy military equipment was destroyed and captured - VIDEO

The Flag of Azerbaijan is waving in the Jabrayil city - VIDEO

Enemy armored vehicles were destroyed - VIDEO

Another video footage of war trophy captured from the enemy – VIDEO

The enemy's military convoy was defeated – VIDEO

Video of artillery shelling of the enemy headquarters and infrastructure during the night battles – VIDEO

The supply of Azerbaijan Army troops participating in the battles is at a high level - VIDEO

Video recording of armored vehicles seized from Armenians in the village of Horadiz – VIDEO

Operational meeting was held under the leadership of President, Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev at Central Command Post of the Ministry of Defense - VIDEO

Video recording of military equipment left on the battlefield by Armenian servicemen while fleeing - VIDEO

The Shaybey village of the Jabrayil region liberated from the occupation - VIDEO

Video recording of the destruction of another enemy military equipment - VIDEO

The Shukurbayli village of the Jabrayil region liberated from the occupation - VIDEO

Video recording of the seized enemy post and trophies - VIDEO

The enemy’s armored vehicles seized by the Azerbaijan Army Units - VIDEO

Seized enemy trophies - VIDEO

We present a video recording of the liberated from occupation Chakhirli village of the Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Foreign military attachés and representatives of international organizations in our country were informed about the operational situation - VIDEO

Video recording of the liberated from occupation Talish village - VIDEO

The territory of Azerbaijan came under rocket fire from Armenia - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev addressed the nation - VIDEO

A large number of trophies was seized from the enemy - VIDEO

The Azerbaijani flag was hoisted at the post, where Mubariz Ibrahimov destroyed a large number of enemy forces - VIDEO

The enemy’s armored vehicles, fire support means and supply facilities were destroyed - VIDEO

Punitive measures are being taken against the enemy - VIDEO

Video recording of our territories liberated from the occupation - VIDEO

Enemy continues to suffer heavy losses - VIDEO

Today, during the morning battles our military units inflicted crushing blows on the enemy’s military equipment - VIDEO

Another video recording of the enemy’s heavy losses in military personnel and combat equipment – VIDEO

The video recording of the destruction of the enemy’s field control post and tanks – VIDEO

Enemy’s forces and combat equipment were destroyed – VIDEO

Enemy supply and combat equipment destroyed - VIDEO

Video footage of adversary forces and equipment striking - VIDEO

Another briefing was held in the International Military Cooperation Department - VIDEO

Military Units of the Azerbaijan Army destroyed several more enemy combat equipment - VIDEO

Video recording of the destruction of enemy artillery pieces - VIDEO

During the night battles, artillery strikes were inflicted on the enemy – VIDEO

The enemy military convoys were destroyed - VIDEO

List of the enemy’s destroyed military equipment - VİDEO

Enemy’s eight "Grad" multiple launch rocket systems were destroyed - VIDEO

Enemy’s military equipment destroyed before 17:30 today - VIDEO

Eight more units of enemy military equipment were destroyed in the last hours - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev and first lady Mehriban Aliyeva met with wounded servicemen undergoing treatment at Central Military Clinical Hospital of Defense Ministry - VIDEO

The two tanks of the enemy were destroyed in Tonashen – VIDEO

The enemy guns shelling the positions of our units were destroyed by a precise fire - VIDEO

Video recording of enemy military equipment destroyed in the morning - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army Units deliver artillery strikes on the enemy’s positions - VIDEO

The enemy's military equipment was destroyed in the direction of the Jabrayil region - VIDEO

Foreign military attachés and representatives of international organizations in our country were informed about the operational situation - VIDEO

Artillery units inflict crushing blow on the enemy - VIDEO

The another two more enemy tanks were destroyed - VIDEO

Intense fighting continued during the all night - VIDEO

Several more enemy military vehicles were destroyed - VIDEO

Enemy artillery units in the Aghdara direction were hit - VIDEO

The two more enemy tanks were destroyed - VIDEO

Foreign military attachés and representatives of international organizations in our country were informed about the operational situation - VIDEO

Our troops are conducting a combat operation to liberate the occupied teritories - VIDEO

Advantageous high grounds around Talysh village were cleared of the enemy - VIDEO

Two more enemy tanks were destroyed - VIDEO

Our units continue to destroy enemy equipment - VIDEO

Armenian army ammunition depot was destroyed - VIDEO

The enemy is fleeing the battlefield leaving Combat vehicles behind - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev chaired meeting of Security Council - VIDEO

The enemy's military equipment was destroyed - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev appealed to Azerbaijani people - VIDEO

Combat firing was carried out from "Msta-S" self-propelled howitzer - VIDEO

Tactical-special and combat training classes are conducted with engineer-supper units - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army held a competition for the title of "Best non-staff Chemical Protection Unit" - VIDEO

Tank units in coordination with artillery fulfill combat-training tasks - VIDEO

Air Force conduct combat-training flights – VIDEO

The Air Force held night exercises - VIDEO

Training-methodological sessions were held with the commanders of engineer-sapper units in Nakhchivan - VIDEO

Courses organized in the Nakhchivan garrison troops completed – VIDEO

Artillery units conducted live-fire exercises - VIDEO

Armored vehicle crews improve their combat skills - VIDEO

Command training classes with commanders and deputy commanders of battalions and batteries were held in Nakhchivan - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev attended groundbreaking ceremony of Absheron field offshore operations - VIDEO

A new Department of the Military Hospital was opened in Ganja - VIDEO

Aircraft of the Air Forces of Azerbaijan and Turkey carried out joint flights over the Nakhchivan city - VIDEO

Aircraft of the Air Forces of Azerbaijan and Turkey carried out joint flights over the Ganja city - VIDEO

The Alley of Shehids (Martyrs) and the monument erected in honor of the Turkish soldiers killed in 1918 were visited on the occasion of the 102nd Anniversary of the Liberation of Baku - VIDEO

Russian warships left Baku port - VIDEO

Baku hosted the closing ceremony of the "Sea Cup" contest - VIDEO

Azerbaijani tankmen reach the final of the "Tank Biathlon" contest - VIDEO

Our foremost military units are completely ready for winter - VIDEO

Azerbaijani tankmen reach the semi-finals of the "Tank Biathlon" contest - VIDEO

The "Sea Cup" contest continues - VIDEO

Exchange of experience between the commanders of the units of the two fraternal countries is being held as part of the exercises in Nakhchivan - VIDEO

The opening ceremony of the "Sea Cup" international contest was held - VIDEO

Azerbaijan and Russia Ministers of Defence discussed military cooperation - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev received delegation led by Russian defense minister - VIDEO

During the "Tank Biathlon" contest Azerbaijani tankmen have destroyed targets with high accuracy - VIDEO

Tankmen of the Combined Arms Army demonstrate professionalism – VIDEO

Azerbaijani tank crews continue training for the "Tank Biathlon" contest - VIDEO

The referees of the "Sea Cup" international contest were awarded certificates - VIDEO

Russian warships arrived in Baku - VIDEO

A Distinguished Visitors Day was held during the Azerbaijani-Turkish joint exercises - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev received delegation led by Turkish Minister of National Defense - VIDEO

Heads of the Defense Ministries of Azerbaijan and Turkey visited the Alley of Honor and the Alley of Shehids - VIDEO

The first stage of tactical exercises continues with the participation of units of the Land Forces – VIDEO

Azerbaijani and Turkish Air Force fighters carried out training flights - VIDEO

"TurAz Qartalı - 2020" Exercises continue with the participation of helicopters - VIDEO

The Special Forces Units were also involved in the first stage of the tactical exercises - VIDEO

The first stage of the "TurAz Qartalı - 2020" Joint Flight-Tactical Exercises continues - VIDEO

Activities on ideological work were carried out in military units - VIDEO

Azerbaijani-Turkish Joint Large-Scale Exercises continue in Nakhchivan – VIDEO

Azerbaijani and Turkish servicemen fulfilled various elements of Joint Large-Scale Exercises – VIDEO

Combat helicopters were involved in the "TurAz Qartalı - 2020" Exercises - VIDEO

Another stage of the Azerbaijani-Turkish Joint Large-Scale Tactical Exercises completed - VIDEO

A new training period has begun in the Nakhchivan garrison troops – VIDEO

Azerbaijani-Turkish Joint Large-Scale Tactical Exercises continue - VIDEO

Azerbaijani-Turkish Joint Large-Scale Exercises are being held in Nakhchivan – VIDEO

An event on the occasion of the holiday of Gurban Bayram was organized for the servicemen participating in the joint exercises – VIDEO

Turkish Air Force's F-16 fighters participating in the exercises "TurAz Qartalı-2020" arrived in Azerbaijan - VIDEO

Turkish Air Force representatives arrived in Ganja - VIDEO

The first stage of the Azerbaijani-Turkish Joint Exercises is being held - VIDEO

Training-methodological sessions with young officers were held in the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

A group of servicemen and the aircraft of the Turkish Armed Forces arrived in Nakhchivan - VIDEO

A solemn welcoming ceremony was held for military personnel of the Turkish Armed Forces participating in the exercises – VIDEO

Azerbaijani-Turkish Live Fire Joint Large-Scale Tactical and Flight-Tactical Exercises will be held in Nakhchivan – VIDEO

Tactical exercises continue in the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Enemy’s vehicle was destroyed by the accurate fire - VIDEO

Enemy military barrack was destroyed - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev chaired Cabinet meeting on results of socio-economic development in first quarter of 2020 and future tasks - VIDEO

The field control point of the unit of the armed forces of Armenia was destroyed – VIDEO

Enemy’s military vehicle was destroyed by the accurate fire of our units – VIDEO

Another firing position of the enemy was destroyed - VIDEO

Another military facility of the enemy was destroyed - VIDEO

The hostile military equipment was destroyed – VIDEO

Enemy’s another military facility was destroyed - VIDEO

Enemy's permanent firing position was destroyed – VIDEO

Command post of artillery battery of the Armed Forces of Armenia was destroyed – VIDEO

The positions and reserves in the depths of the enemy’s defense were destroyed – VIDEO

Enemy’s several military facilities and military equipment were destroyed - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev chaired meeting of Security Council - VIDEO

The units of the Azerbaijan Army attacked the strong point of the enemy - VIDEO

Tactical exercises of the Combined Arms Army continue - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister visited foremost military units - VIDEO

The military units stationed in the frontline zone conducted exercises at nighttime - VIDEO

The graduation ceremony was held in the Nakhchivan garrison troops - VIDEO

Artillery units of the Combined Arms Army conducted live-fire exercises - VIDEO

Young soldiers were sent to duty areas in the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

The crew of the Patrol Boat conducted live-fire training - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev attended opening of Defense Ministry’s military unit - VIDEO

The competition for the title of "Best Tank Crew" was held - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army's Units conducted exercises in mountainous terrain - VİDEO

A graduation ceremony was held at the Azerbaijan Military Academy - VIDEO

The contest "The best group leader for classes on socio-political training" continues - VIDEO

The Minister of Defense took part in the opening of another new military unit in the frontline zone - VIDEO

Defense Minister attended the opening of a new complex of buildings of the military camp - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army’s parade formation left for Moscow - VIDEO

Cadets of the Azerbaijan Military Academy carried out combat firing - VIDEO

Artillery units conducted live-fire exercises - VIDEO

A Military Oath taking ceremony for young soldiers was held in the Nakhchivan garrison troops – VIDEO

Competition for the title of "Best Motorized Rifle Company" is held – VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev visited military unit in territory of Aghdam - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Military Academy conducts state examinations - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Air Force aircraft conducted live-fire flight-tactical exercises - VIDEO

The Nakhchivan garrison troops conducted command-staff classes – VIDEO

Defense Minister attended the opening of the new medical building of the Main Clinical Hospital - VIDEO

Competitions among military scouts were held in the Combined Arms Army – VIDEO

The Command-Staff Exercises of the Nakhchivan garrison troops ended – VIDEO

The opening of the new military units and the inspection of the facilities being under construction was held in the frontline zone - VIDEO

During the exercises, troops fulfilled tasks at nighttime - VIDEO

Troops redeployed during the operational exercises - VIDEO

Air Defense Units took positional areas to fulfill combat-training missions - VIDEO

Command-Staff Exercises of the Nakhchivan garrison troops continue - VIDEO

Defense Minister heard the reports at the exercises and troops took the starting positions - VIDEO

UAV crews fulfill the tasks of providing intelligence information to control centers - VIDEO

Defense Minister is in the frontline zone, in the exercises area - VIDEO

The tank units involved in the exercises fulfill the tasks - VIDEO

Redeployment of combat aircraft was held in the course of the exercises - VIDEO

During the exercises, the troops were redeployed at night - VIDEO

Operational-Tactical Missile Systems are involved to the exercises - VIDEO

The Nakhchivan garrison troops started Command-Staff Exercises - VIDEO

The troops involved in the exercises are moving to the operational areas - VIDEO

Nakhchivan garrison troops held training-methodical sessions - VIDEO

The graduation ceremony for officers completed Retraining and Advanced Training Courses was held in the Combined Arms Army – VIDEO

Military Pentathlon Competitions were held in Nakhchivan Garrison - VIDEO

The memory of compatriots who died during the Great Patriotic War was honored - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev paid tribute to Azerbaijanis killed in Great Patriotic War - VIDEO

Servicemen visited veterans of the Great Patriotic War - VIDEO

Tactical-Special Exercises of Special Forces Units were held - VIDEO

Another military unit in the frontline zone was visited - VIDEO

Weapons and military equipment are transferring into the summer operation mode - VIDEO

The military unit in the frontline zone the construction of which is being finalized was inspected – VIDEO

The combat capability of the weapons and military equipment of military units in frontline zone was checked - VIDEO

Foremost units were inspected - VIDEO

Nakhchivan garrison troops held the command training classes - VIDEO

Air Defense Units began training - VIDEO

Nakhchivan garrison troops held training sessions – VIDEO

Naval Forces' tactical exercises ended - VIDEO

Anti-tank units conduct live-fire training - VIDEO

Naval Forces started to conduct tactical exercises - VIDEO

Servicemen once again delivered targeted assistance - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army held Command Post Training - VIDEO

Cadets fulfill training exercises on the armored vehicles simulators - VIDEO

Mortar batteries perform combat firing - VIDEO

Combat readiness of APC crews is getting increased – VIDEO

The process of transferring weapons and military equipment into the summer operation mode is being held - VIDEO

Servicemen continue to receive the food ration instead of monetary compensation - VIDEO

Command-Staff Exercises of the troops of the Nakhchivan garrison ended – VIDEO

IFV crews improve combat skills - VIDEO

Servicemen deliver targeted assistance in the regions - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Air Defense Units conducted tactical-special classes - VIDEO

Servicemen continue to deliver targeted assistance - VIDEO

Tactical-Special Classes are held with engineer-sapper units - VIDEO

UAV crews carry out training flights - VIDEO

Artillery units carry out combat firing - VİDEO

Command-Staff Exercises started in the troops of the Nakhchivan garrison - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Air Defense Units began training - VIDEO

Preparatory training at the Diver Training Facility of the Naval Forces is conducted - VIDEO

Air Force helicopter units conduct training flights - VIDEO

Flight Tactical Exercises were conducted with crews of the MiG-29 and Su-25 - VIDEO

Servicemen delivered targeted assistance - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army held a competition among servicemen – VIDEO

Motorized rifle units conduct fire training classes - VIDEO

The combat readiness of tank crews is inspecting - VIDEO

Sniper training is being inspected in the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

Commander training classes were conducted with the units of the troops of the Nakhchivan garrison - VIDEO

Nakhchivan garrison's troops conducted live-fire tactical exercises – VIDEO

New apartments issued to servicemen - VIDEO

Young soldiers were sent to duty areas in the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

The ceremony of departing graduates to duty areas in the troops of the Nakhchivan garrison was held - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army held competitions among the scouts – VIDEO

Azerbaijan Naval Forces conducted tactical exercises - VIDEO

Practice firing exercise was conducted in the Combined Arms Army – VIDEO

The competition was held in the troops of the Nakhchivan garrison – VIDEO

Naval Forces of Azerbaijan held the tactical exercise - VIDEO

Soldiers send holiday congratulations to their family members via video communication - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army takes preventive measures in connection with a coronavirus infection - VIDEO

Military Chefs Training Courses ended - VIDEO

The visit to military units in the frontline zone continues - VIDEO

Work carried out in the Azerbaijan Army is in the center of attention of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief - VIDEO

The troops of the Nakhchivan garrison started Command-Staff Exercises - VIDEO

Azerbaijan and Georgian Defense Ministers held a meeting in Baku - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev received Georgian defense minister - VIDEO

Large-Scale Command-Staff Exercises continue - VIDEO

Troops redeployed during the operational exercises - VIDEO

During the exercises, the tasks were worked out on the terrain model board - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev attended inauguration of Defense Ministry’s military unit - VIDEO

Minister of Defense meets with servicemen serving in the front line - VIDEO

The leadership of the Ministry of Defense celebrated “Od Chershenbesi” together with the military personnel - VIDEO

Minister of Defense visited foremost command post - VIDEO

In the course of the exercises, the terrain reconnaissance was conducted in real conditions - VIDEO

Minister of Defense visited Exercise Command Control Post - VIDEO

The redeployment of combat aircraft was held in the course of the exercises - VIDEO

The troops involved in the exercises are moving to the operational areas – VIDEO

Azerbaijani Army starts Large-Scale Command-Staff Exercises - VIDEO

Military personnel and combat equipment to be involved in the exercises have left for the exercises area - VIDEO

Tactical-Special Exercises held in Nakhchivan garrison troops - VIDEO

Azerbaijani military alpinists take part in the Justice for Khojaly expedition - VIDEO

A military oath-taking ceremony was held in Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

Chiefs of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan and Russia held a meeting - VIDEO

Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan meets with the Supreme Allied Commander Europe - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev received delegation led by NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister attends the opening of modern Diver Training Facility of Naval Forces - VIDEO

The troops of the Nakhchivan garrison hold training sessions on the various specialties - VIDEO

The memory of the martyrs of January 20 was honored by the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

The opening of new food warehouses of the Main Department for Logistic Support was held - VIDEO

Service apartments were commissioned in the frontline zone - VIDEO

Minister of Defense celebrated the Day of Solidarity of World Azerbaijanis with the military personnel serving at the front - VIDEO

The Open Doors Day was held today in all military units - VIDEO

Defense Minister took part in the Open Doors Day - VIDEO

Another new military unit was commissioned in the frontline zone - VIDEO

New facilities commissioned in military units - VIDEO

The opening of a new administrative buildings of the headquarters and training center was held in one of the military units - VIDEO

The new cadet dormitory accommodation was commissioned in the AMA named after Heydar Aliyev - VIDEO

Group of Azerbaijani peacekeepers returned from Afghanistan - VIDEO

Another residential building put into use in the military unit of the Air Force - VIDEO

New service apartments issued to servicemen - VIDEO

Training-methodical sessions were held with officers for ideological work and moral-psychological support and psychologists - VIDEO

Air Defense Units conducted combat firing – VIDEO

Intensive training of cadets of the Azerbaijan Military Academy is being held - VIDEO

Combat firing was conducted during the night exercises - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army’s expedition "Ever-living Commander-in-Chief" successfully completed - VİDEO

The units are ready for the winter – VIDEO

Cadets of the Azerbaijan Military Academy named after Heydar Aliyev started field training - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister got acquainted with the construction work in military units in the frontline zone - VIDEO

Defense Minister inspected the combat readiness of artillerymen in the frontline zone - VIDEO

Another batch of engineering equipment passed into service of the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Defense Minister took part in the opening of new military facilities for engineering purposes in the frontline zone – VIDEO

Defense Minister visits military units in frontline zone - VIDEO

Tactical exercises of Rocket-artillery units are conducted at combined-arms training ranges - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev received delegation led by chairman of NATO Military Committee - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev received delegation led by Chief of General Staff of Russian Armed Forces - VIDEO

The final stage of operational exercises was conducted - VIDEO

Rocket and Artillery Troops began to carry out the tasks of operational exercises - VIDEO

Naval Forces fulfill assigned tasks as part of the operational exercises - VIDEO

Troops redeployed during the operational exercises - VIDEO

The troops of Nakhchivan garrison continue its activity as part of the operational exercises - VIDEO

Air Force fulfill assigned tasks as part of the operational exercises - VIDEO

As part of the operational exercises, the troops of the Nakhchivan garrison were brought up to a level of combat readiness - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister heard reports on the start of operational exercises - VIDEO

Operational exercises started at the Azerbaijan Army level - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army held a competition for the title of "Best Anti-Tank Battery" - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army held a competition for the title of the "Best Supper Engineering Unit " and "Best Scout Engineering Unit" – VIDEO

The Open Doors Day and the military oath-taking ceremony were held on the occasion of the State Flag Day - VİDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister celebrates State Flag Day in military unit - VIDEO

Baku hosts the 12th meeting of the Azerbaijan-Turkey High-Level Military Dialogue - VIDEO

Rocket and artillery units conducted live-fire training - VIDEO

Ambassador of Afghanistan visited H.Aliyev Azerbaijan Military Academy named after Heydar Aliyev - VIDEO

Baku hosted the regular meeting of CIS Defense Ministers Council - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev received participants of CIS Council of Defense Ministers meeting – VIDEO

The contest “The Best Engineering Town” is held in the Azerbaijan Army – VIDEO

International Arms Control Inspection was conducted in the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army conducted training sessions - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Naval Forces tactical exercises ended - VIDEO

NATO Rear Admiral: “The level of professionalism of Azerbaijani servicemen indicates their strength” - ViDEO

Arms Control Inspection was conducted in the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Rocket and artillery units conducted live-fire training - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army conducted Command Post Exercises - VIDEO

Weapons and military equipment are transferred into the winter operation mode - VIDEO

The graduates of the Military Chefs Training Courses were issued certificates - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister took part in the Distinguished Observers Day held as part of the "Caucasian Eagle - 2019" Exercises - VIDEO

Fire exercises were completed in the "Caucasian Eagle - 2019" Exercises - VIDEO

Combined Arms Army conducted live-fire tactical exercises - VIDEO

Baku hosted the opening ceremony of the "Caucasian Eagle - 2019" joint exercises - VIDEO

Main live-fire stage of the Large-Scale Operational-Tactical Exercises was conducted - VIDEO

During the exercises, the interaction of troops was worked out on the terrain model board - VIDEO

During the exercises, the area reconnaissance was conducted - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister has been reported on the progress of exercises - VIDEO

Troops redeployed during the exercise - VIDEO

Tasks are fulfilled on the maps in the course of the exercises - VIDEO

The troops involved in the large-scale exercises occupy concentration areas - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army started large-scale exercises - VIDEO

Nakhchivan garrison troops conducted regular Command and Staff Exercises – VIDEO

Baku hosted NATO evaluation exercises - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister meets with military personnel participating in “TurAz Qartalı-2019” Joint Flight Tactical Exercises - VIDEO

Flights were carried out at “TurAz Qartalı-2019” exercises - VIDEO

Media representatives watched the "TurAz Qartalı-2019" exercises - VIDEO

Azerbaijani servicemen to take part in “Saber Junction - 19” Exercises - VIDEO

"TurAz Qartalı – 2019" exercises continue - VIDEO

"Eternity-2019" exercises continued in the field conditions - VIDEO

"TurAz Qartalı-2019" Joint Exercises continue - VIDEO

Combat flights are conducted during the "TurAz Qartalı - 2019" Joint Exercises - VIDEO

“TurAz Qartalı - 2019” Exercises opening ceremony was held - VIDEO

Combat helicopters are involved in the "TurAz Qartalı - 2019" Exercises - VİDEO

The troops of the Nakhchivan garrison held training sessions with snipers - VIDEO

Practical exercises were held in the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

F-16 Fighter aircrafts participating in "TurAz Qartalı-2019" exercises arrived in Azerbaijan - VIDEO

"Eternity-2019" computer-assisted Command and Staff Exercises started - VIDEO

Orienteering Championship was held in the Combined Arms Army – VIDEO

Orienteering Competition held among the servicemen ended - VIDEO

Another group of Turkish servicemen participating in the "TurAz Qartalı-2019" Exercises arrived in Azerbaijan - VIDEO

A Command and Staff Exercise is conducted at the Center for War Games - VIDEO

Field training exercises of young cadets started - VIDEO

Representatives of the Turkish Air Force arrived in Azerbaijan to participate in the "TurAz Qartalı-2019" Exercises - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Military Band continues performing in Spasskaya Tower international military music festival - VIDEO

The Army Corps held training-methodical sessions - VIDEO

Training sessions were held with units of the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Competitions were held in the Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

Command and Staff Exercises of Nakhchivan garrison troops ended – VIDEO

Azerbaijan Military Band takes part in Spasskaya Tower international military music festival - VIDEO

Air Defense Units conducted combat firing - VIDEO

Regular Command and Staff Exercises are held in Nakhchivan garrison troops - VIDEO

Kazakhstan’s warship left Baku port - VIDEO

Warships of Russia and Iran left Baku port - VIDEO

Anti-aircraft missile troops conducted live-fire exercises - VIDEO

Azerbaijani military doctors were awarded a cup and a medal at the “Military Medical Relay Race” contest - VIDEO

Azerbaijani tankmen participating in the “Tank Biathlon” contest have completed the final preparation – VIDEO

The "Masters of Artillery Fire" contest has ended – VIDEO

Azerbaijani servicemen were awarded at the International Army Games-2019 – VIDEO

A press conference was held in connection with the completion of the “Sea Cup-2019” international contest - VIDEO

The final stage of the "Field Kitchen" contest has ended – VIDEO

Artillery and mortar units of Combined Arms Army were inspected – VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister visited several military units being under construction in the frontline zone – VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister visited foremost military units – VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister attends the opening of a new military hospital in the frontline zone - VİDEO

Artillery firing was performed during the “Sea Cup-2019” contest - VIDEO

Azerbaijani military doctors took part in another stage of the "Military Medical Relay Race" contest - VIDEO

Azerbaijani tank crew have become one more step closer to the final of the “Tank Biathlon” contest – VIDEO

Another stage of the "Military Medical Relay Race" contest was held - VIDEO

Azerbaijani team reached the finals of the “Field Kitchen” contest – VIDEO

Azerbaijani artillerymen conducted night firing at the contest "Masters of Artillery Fire" – VIDEO

"Military Medical Relay Race" contest continues – VIDEO

Graduates of the Military Lyceum named after H. Aliyev left for Baku to continue their studies - VIDEO

Training sessions were held with commanders and deputy commanders of companies and batteries in the Combined Arms Army – VIDEO

Volleyball competition held among the participants of the “Sea Cup-2019” contest – VIDEO

The first line-up of the Azerbaijani team attain success in the contest "Masters of artillery fire" – VIDEO

Azerbaijani military chefs became winners of the second stage of the “Field Kitchen” contest – VIDEO

Azerbaijani seamen became winners of the next episode of the "Sea Cup-2019" contest - VIDEO

The opening ceremony of the "Masters of Artillery Fire" contest was held - VIDEO

Azerbaijani military seamen became winners of the episode "Water inflow control on a coastal training complex" - VIDEO

Baku hosted the opening ceremony of the “Sea Cup-2019” international contest - VIDEO

Azerbaijani artillerymen participating in the "Masters of Artillery Fire" contest carried out adjustment fire from weapons - VIDEO

Azerbaijani military chefs to conduct shooting exercise - VIDEO

A press conference was held in connection with the beginning of the “Sea Cup-2019” international contest – VIDEO

The drawing procedure was held for the “Sea Cup-2019” international contest - VIDEO

The opening ceremony of the "Military Medical Relay Race" contest was held - VIDEO

Azerbaijan exposition presented within the framework of the International Army Games-2019 aroused great interest - VIDEO

The opening ceremony of the "Sniper Frontier" international contest was held - VIDEO

The drawing procedure of the "Military Medical Relay Race" contest was held - VIDEO

Representatives of the teams got acquainted with the area of the "Sea Cup-2019" international contest - VIDEO

Azerbaijani artillerymen participating in the "Masters of Artillery Fire" contest inspected weapons and military equipment - VIDEO

Training-methodical sessions were conducted in military units stationed in the frontline zone - VIDEO

The drawing procedure was held for the international "Masters of Artillery Fire" contest - VIDEO

Baku hosted an organizational meeting for the referees of the "Sea Cup-2019" contest - VIDEO

Russian warships arrived in Baku - VIDEO

The meetings with the delegations of Kazakhstan and Iran were held at the Azerbaijan Naval Forces Headquarters - VIDEO

Iran’s warships arrived in Baku - VIDEO

Kazakhstan’s warship arrived in Baku - VIDEO

On the instructions of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, the inspection of the military units is being continued - VIDEO

Defense Minister took part in the opening of a new military facility in the frontline zone - VIDEO

A group of Azerbaijani peacekeepers was sent to Afghanistan - VIDEO

"Eternity-2019" Exercises Final Planning Conference was held - VIDEO

Azerbaijani servicemen training for the International Army Games-2019 continues - VIDEO

Combat training of the Air Force aircraft is being continued - VIDEO

Commander training sessions were held with commanders and deputy commanders of companies and batteries in the Combined Arms Army – VIDEO

Chiefs of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan and Russia held a meeting - VIDEO

Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan meets with the Supreme Allied Commander Europe - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev received delegation led by Chief of General Staff of Russian Armed Forces - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev received delegation led by NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe - VIDEO

Baku hosting OCC E&F Programme Database Tool update workshop - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister took part in the opening of the new infrastructure facility of the Naval Forces - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister meets with the participants of the Young Leaders Program - VIDEO

Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan meets with the Commander of NATO Special Operations Headquarters - VIDEO

Group of Azerbaijani peacekeepers returned from Afghanistan - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev viewed conditions created at newly-reconstructed Military Lyceum named after Jamshid Nakhchivanski - VIDEO

A meeting was held with the families of martyrs - VIDEO

The ceremony of awarding the high military ranks was held - VİDEO

Defense Ministry’s leadership visited the Alley of Honors and the Alley of Martyrs - VIDEO

Open Doors Day was held today in all military units - VIDEO

A graduation ceremony was held at the Azerbaijan Military Academy - VIDEO

Training exercises were conducted in the Army Corps in the frontline zone - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army held a competition among duty personnel of combat posts - VIDEO

Exercises were held at the combined-arms range - VIDEO

Commander training sessions were held with artillerymen - VIDEO

Exercises conducted by Armenia in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan are under our complete control - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister attends the opening of a new training center - VIDEO

The next graduation ceremony was held in the Military Lyceum named after Jamshid Nakhchivanski - VIDEO

The graduates of the Chefs Training Courses were issued certificates - VIDEO

Tactical-Special Exercises were held with the units of the Chemical Protection Troops - VIDEO

A farewell ceremony was held for Turkish servicemen participated in the "Indestructible Brotherhood-2019" Exercises - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army held a competition for the title "Best Topographer" - VIDEO

The provocation of the enemy failed due to the professionalism of our military pilots - VIDEO

A group of Azerbaijani peacekeepers was sent to Afghanistan - VIDEO

Defense Ministers of Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Georgia held a trilateral meeting - VIDEO

A trilateral meeting of the Ministers of Defense of Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Georgia began in Gabala - VIDEO

Nakhchivan hosted a meeting of the Ministers of Defense of Azerbaijan and Turkey - VIDEO

During the exercise "Indestructible Brotherhood-2019" tasks are fulfilled on the map - VIDEO

Azerbaijani-Turkish Live-Firing Joint Tactical Exercises "Indestructible Brotherhood-2019" continue in Nakhchivan – VIDEO

Cadets of the AMA named after Heydar Aliyev pass State Exams – VIDEO

The evaluation of the Naval Forces Boarding Party on NATO standards are successfully conducted - VIDEO

The opening of the new administrative building of the Command Control Center of one of the main departments of the Ministry of Defense was held - VIDEO

The Officers Advanced Courses of the Combined Arms Army ended - VIDEO

Artillerymen of the Combined Arms Army demonstrated high professionalism - VIDEO

Turkish servicemen arrived in Nakhchivan to participate in the "Indestructible Brotherhood - 2019" Exercises - VIDEO

A charity event on the medical check-up and treatment of children was held - VIDEO

Artillerymen have conducted combat firing of "Msta-S" self-propelled howitzer - VIDEO

Azerbaijani-Turkish live-firing joint tactical exercises "Indestructible Brotherhood - 2019" will be held in Nakhchivan - VIDEO

US delegation visits military unit - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev attended official reception on the occasion of 28 May-Republic Day - VIDEO

"Anatolian Phoenix-2019" international search and rescue exercises ended - VIDEO

The training course was held at the Main Clinical Hospital of the Armed Forces - VIDEO

A live-fire stage of the exercises conducted at nighttime – VIDEO

The last stage of the “Anatolian Phoenix-2019” Exercises were fulfilled - VIDEO

Defense Minister demanded to suppress the enemy’s attempts to commit a provocation - VIDEO

Defense Minister heard reports on the current situation in the exercises - VIDEO

Support points have been created in the field condition within the scope of the operational-tactical exercises - VIDEO

The Minister of Defense watched the training of units in the training center and heard the reports of officials on the fulfillment of tasks – VIDEO

The redeployment of troops, the withdrawal of forces to the reserve firing and starting positions were conducted during the Exercises – VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army started a large-scale operational-tactical exercises - VIDEO

Military units and subunits of the Air Force improve their professionalism - VIDEO

In course of the exercises “Anatolian Phoenix-2019” the tasks of the next stage were fulfilled - VIDEO

The “Anatolian Phoenix-2019” exercises continue - VIDEO

A briefing was held in connection with the beginning of the exercises “Anatolian Phoenix-2019” - VIDEO

Azerbaijan’s military helicopters arrived in Turkey to participate in the "Anatolian Phoenix-2019" international exercises - VIDEO

Military units held the military oath-taking ceremony - VIDEO

The leadership of the Ministry of Defense visited the Alley of Honor - VIDEO

The performances of military bands were organized on the occasion of the 74th anniversary of the Victory over fascism - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army held several events on the occasion of the 74th anniversary of the Victory - VIDEO

The memory of compatriots who died during the Great Patriotic War was honored - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev attended ceremony to mark May 9 - Victory Day in Baku - VIDEO

Weapons and military equipment are transferred into the summer operation mode - VIDEO

"Scouts - To see, remaining unnoticed — and return alive!" - FILM

Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan meets with his Belarusian counterpart - VIDEO

A "Distinguished Visitors Day" was held within the Azerbaijani-Turkish joint exercises - VIDEO

A Command and Staff Exercise was held at Azerbaijan Air Force Base - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev chaired Cabinet meeting on results of first quarter of 2019 and future tasks - VIDEO

Minister of Defense visited military facilities being under construction in the frontline zone - VIDEO

Defense Minister watched live-fire training exercises at the combined-arms range - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister took part in the opening of a new command post of the Air Force Base - VIDEO

Weapons, military and specialized equipment to be used in the Azerbaijan-Turkey joint exercises were reviewed - VIDEO

Turkish servicemen visited the sightseeing attractions of our capital - VIDEO

Azerbaijani military pilots started training flights on Super Mushshak, L-39 aircraft and "Mi" Series helicopters - VIDEO

Azerbaijani-Turkish joint military exercises will be held in our country - VIDEO

Defense Minister took part in the opening of the Air Force Training Center - VIDEO

Rocket and artillery units conducted live-fire training - VIDEO

A competition was held for the title of the "Best Military Cook" - VIDEO

The intensive training of cadets in all specialties are continued - VIDEO

Cadets conduct shooting exercises - VIDEO

Artillery units stationed in frontline zone conducted live-fire exercises - VIDEO

Air Force helicopter units held a flight-tactical training - VIDEO

Baku hosted the Multinational Peace Support Operations Instructor Training Course - VIDEO

Competition for the title of the best tank company was held - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev visited military unit of Defense Ministry`s Special Forces - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Air Defense Forces conducted tactical-special training - VIDEO

The competition for the title of "Best Sniper" - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister meets with the Chief Army Staff of Pakistan Army - VIDEO

Defense Minister took part in the Open Doors Day - VIDEO

A live-fire stage was held during the large-scale exercises - VIDEO

Defense Minister visited foremost military units - VIDEO

The leadership of the Ministry of Defense celebrated “Yel Chershenbesi” together with the military personnel - VIDEO

The redeployment of combat aircraft was held in the course of the exercises - VIDEO

Operational-tactical missile systems launched to starting positions – VIDEO

The tank units involved in the exercises fulfill the tasks - VIDEO

The troops participating in the exercises are moving to the operational areas - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army started a large-scale exercises - VIDEO

The level of training of battalion commanders was checked - VIDEO

The level of training of battalion commanders is checked - VIDEO

The troops of the Nakhchivan garrison conducted a Command and Staff Exercises - VIDEO

The participants of the Afghan war, who are on the visit to our country, visited one of the military units - VIDEO

Air Defense units of the Air Force conducted live-fire exercises - VIDEO

International Winter Exercises-2019 are continued - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev viewed newly-built military unit in Beylagan district – VIDEO

Azerbaijani servicemen take part in international winter exercises - 2019 – VIDEO

Training-methodological sessions were conducted in the troops of the Nakhchivan garrison - VIDEO

Military units held the military oath-taking ceremony - VIDEO

Azerbaijani servicemen are getting ready for international winter exercises - VIDEO

Defense Minister visited several new military facilities being under construction in the regions - VIDEO

Defense Ministry’s leadership visited the foremost units - VIDEO

New residential complexes commissioned in the territory of the military units of the Air Force stationed in the frontline zone - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev met with martyr families - VIDEO

Defense Minister got acquainted with the new facilities in the military units of the Engineer Troops and the Chemical Protection Troops - VIDEO

The regular sniper training course in the troops of the Nakhchivan garrison ended - VIDEO

Commander training and training-methodological sessions were conducted with officers in Nakhchivan - VIDEO

The prospects for the development of Azerbaijani-Iranian military cooperation were discussed - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev received delegation led by Chief of General Staff of Iranian Armed Forces - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev chaired meeting of Cabinet of Ministers dedicated to results of socioeconomic development of 2018 and objectives for future - VIDEO

The Minister of Defense visited the military hospital on the occasion of the holidays - VIDEO

Defense Minister took part in the Open Doors Day - VIDEO

The Defense Ministry’s leadership is visiting the frontline zone - VIDEO

The Army Corps conducted live-fire exercises at nighttime - VIDEO

Artillery units conducted practical firing from DANA self-propelled artillery systems - VIDEO

New facilities commissioned at the Azerbaijan Military Academy named after Heydar Aliyev - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev attended ceremony to give out apartments to servicemen in Sabunchu district - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev received delegation led by Chief of General Staff of Russian Armed Forces - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev received delegation led by NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Europe - VIDEO

Defense Minister checked the combat readiness of the foremost units - VIDEO

Defense Minister took part in the opening of a tank military unit in the frontline zone - VIDEO

The Army Corps conducted live-fire exercises - VIDEO

CAA artillerymen compete for the title of the best rocket artillery battalion - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister and the Chiefs of General Staffs of the Armed Forces of Turkey and Georgia held a trilateral meeting - VIDEO

The troops of the Nakhchivan garrison successfully conducted a live-fire stage within the scope of the CSWG - VIDEO

Chief of General Staff watched the actions of the command posts of War Games - VIDEO

Air Force and Naval Forces implemented actions on the tactical introductory as part of the CSWG - VIDEO

Army Corps fulfill the assigned tasks as part of the CSWG - VIDEO

A hearing was held in connection with the next stage of the CSWG - VIDEO

As part of the CSWG, the organization of interoperability during an offensive operation has been worked out - VIDEO

The troops of the Nakhchivan garrison are put on alert within the scope of CSWG - VIDEO

Command-Staff War Games continue - VIDEO

Chief of the General Staff heard reports on the progress of the exercises - VIDEO

Command-Staff War Games are started in the Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

The Open Doors Day was held in Azerbaijan Army - VIDEO

A new military unit of the Air Force was opened - VIDEO

The use of the Azerspace by the Army increases our military capabilities - VIDEO

Nakhchivan garrison troops conduct joint drills - VIDEO

The Army Corps conducted live-fire exercises - VIDEO

Motorized rifle units conducted shooting exercises - VIDEO

IFV crews conduct combat firing – VIDEO

Air Defense Units exercises are being continued – VIDEO

Rocket and artillery formations conduct live-fire exercises - VIDEO

Our independence is eternal and irreversible - VIDEO

Air Defense Units conducted combat firing – VIDEO

Air Defense Units conducted combat firing using “OSA” Anti-Aircraft Missile System – VIDEO

Defense Minister participated in the opening of the Central Military Veterinary Laboratory - VIDEO

Weapons and military equipment are transferred into the winter operation mode - VIDEO

Units conduct parachute training - VIDEO

Battalion commanders training sessions ended – VIDEO

The work on transferring of special equipment for use in the autumn-winter period is organized in the Chemical Protection Troops - VIDEO

Rocket and artillery units conducted tactical exercises – VIDEO

A new batch of "Polonez" weapons has arrived in Azerbaijan - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev viewed 3rd Azerbaijan International Defense Exhibition ADEX 2018 - UPDATED - VIDEO

3rd Azerbaijan International Defense Exhibition “ADEX-2018” opens in Baku - UPDATED - VIDEO

The competition for the title of the best tank company started - VIDEO

Combat firing was conducted at night in the course of large-scale exercises - VIDEO

Combat firing was conducted in the course of large-scale exercises during the daytime – VIDEO

The troops participating in the exercises are moving forward to operational areas - VIDEO

The troops are getting prepared for the battle during the exercises - VIDEO

The troops involved in the exercises occupy concentration areas - VIDEO

Solemn parade held to mark 100th anniversary of liberation of Baku. President Ilham Aliyev, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan attended the parade

"TurAz Falcon - 2018" joint exercises continue - VIDEO

The "TurAz Falcon - 2018" exercises continue - VIDEO

Young cadets conduct shooting exercises – VIDEO

The "TurAz Falcon-2018" joint flight-tactical exercise started – VIDEO

Azerbaijan Air Defense Forces conduct tactical-special training – VIDEO

Air Force helicopter units held a flight-tactical training – VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army held the Open Doors Day and military oath ceremony – VIDEO

Artillery firing at air targets was carried out during the "Sea Cup-2018" contest – VIDEO

The "Masters of Artillery Fire" contest ended – VIDEO

Artillery firing was held at the "Sea Cup-2018" contest – VIDEO

The "Field Kitchen" contest ended – VIDEO

The tank units began intensive training – VIDEO

The next episode was performed at the "Sea Cup-2018" contest – VIDEO

Azerbaijani artillerymen reached the final of the "Masters of artillery fire-2018" contest – VIDEO

An explosion occurred at the position of the Armenian armed forces – VIDEO

The "Field Kitchen" contest is continued - VIDEO

The "Tank Biathlon-2018" contest is continued – VIDEO

The opening of a new military unit of the Air Force took place in the frontline zone - VIDEO

"Masters of artillery fire" contest is going on in phases - VIDEO

The second stage of the "Sea Cup-2018" contest was performed - VIDEO

The episodes of the "Sniper Frontier" contest are performed - VIDEO

The "Field Kitchen" contest started - VIDEO

The first episode of the "Sea Cup-2018" contest was performed – VIDEO

"Masters of artillery fire" contest started – VIDEO

Defense Minister inspected the readiness of military units in the frontline zone for the winter period – VIDEO

Ceremony was held to give out apartments and cars to veterans of Karabakh and Great wars, the Chernobyl disabled and families of martyrs President Ilham Aliyev attended the ceremony - VIDEO

Azerbaijani servicemen took part in the opening ceremony of the "Masters of artillery fire" contest – VIDEO

Minister of Defense visited military facilities that are under construction – VIDEO

Defense Minister visited foremost military units stationed in the various direction of the front - VIDEO

Azerbaijani servicemen conducted shooting during the "Field Kitchen" contest - VIDEO

Azerbaijani servicemen conducted shooting during the "Sniper Frontier" contest - VIDEO

A press conference was held in connection with the beginning of the "Sea Cup-2018" international contest - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Defense Minister took part in a number of events in Moscow - VIDEO

Azerbaijani servicemen took part in the solemn opening ceremony of the "Sniper Frontier" contest - VIDEO

The referees of the "Sea Cup - 2018" international contest were awarded certificates

Azerbaijani snipers will show their skills in the "Sniper Frontier" contest - VIDEO

The preliminary firing was conducted during the "Masters of the artillery fire" contest - VIDEO

Group of Azerbaijani peacekeepers returned from Afghanistan - VIDEO

Participants of "Tank Biathlon" and "Field Kitchen" contests held the first training - VIDEO

Iran’s warships arrived in Baku - VIDEO

Kazakhstan’s warship arrived in Baku - VIDEO

Russian warships arrive in Baku - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev attended North Atlantic Council meeting on NATO Resolute Support Mission in Afghanistan - VIDEO

A live-fire stage of the exercises was held at nighttime – VIDEO

A live-fire stage of the exercises started – VIDEO

Actions were taken on the terrain board in the course of the exercises - VIDEO

Defense Minister held a meeting in the field conditions - VIDEO

Regrouping of combat aircraft - VIDEO

The tank units involved in the exercises fulfill the tasks – VIDEO

The troops participating in the exercises are moving to the operational areas - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army starts large-scale exercises - VIDEO

The Army of the 100 years - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army 100 - 8 - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army 100 - 6 - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army 100 - 5 - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army 100 - 4 - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army 100 - 3 - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army 100 - 2 - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Army 100 - 1 - VIDEO

Defense Ministry leadership visited the Alley of Honors and the Alley of Martyrs - VIDEO

Turkish servicemen who will participate in the festive events arrive in Azerbaijan - VIDEO

Army Corps exercises successfully completed - VIDEO

Rocket and artillery formations carried out live-fire training exercises – VIDEO

Missile units conducts practical firing exercises - VIDEO

"Polonez" weapons have been put into operation - VIDEO

President, Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev inaugurated Defense Ministry’s military unit - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Naval Forces conduct practical training - VIDEO

NATO spread video about activities of Azerbaijani peacekeepers in Afghanistan - VIDEO

The competition for the commander of the best tank company is held - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev attended official reception on centennial of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic - VIDEO

The OCC reconnaissance company SEL exercises completed in Baku - VIDEO

The OCC reconnaissance company SEL exercises is conducting in Baku - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev viewed Combined Army Unit’s training and educational center and inaugurated newly built military hospital - VIDEO

The memory of the National Hero of Azerbaijan Albert Agarunov was honored - VIDEO

Azerbaijani Defense Minister meets with Deputy Chairman of the Central Military Commission of China - VIDEO

Ministers of Defense of Azerbaijan and China met in Beijing - VIDEO

Rocket and artillery units conducted tactical exercises - VIDEO

NATO Course held in Baku is being continued - VIDEO

Sports competitions among cadets are continued - VIDEO

Baku hosts international sports competitions among cadets - VIDEO

The Azerbaijan Army military personnel is participating in the voting for the presidential elections - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev chaired Cabinet meeting on results of first quarter of 2018 and future tasks - VIDEO

The competition for the title of "Best Tank Crew" - VIDEO

Cadets of the High Military College named after Heydar Aliyev carry out practical tasks - VIDEO

A group of Azerbaijani peacekeepers was sent to Afghanistan - VIDEO

Rocket and artillery units conducted live-fire stage of the exercises - VIDEO

Rocket and artillery units continue conducting exercises - VIDEO

1918 genocide of Azerbaijanis documentary film - VIDEO

Rocket and artillery units are conducting live-fire exercises - VIDEO

President of Turkey received the Minister of Defense of Azerbaijan - VIDEO

Parents who participated in the Open Doors Day expressed gratitude to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief for the conditions created in the military units - VIDEO

The military personnel and military equipment involved in the exercises have returned to the places of permanent deployment - VIDEO

Defense Minister visited a new helicopter military unit in the frontline zone - VIDEO

A live-fire stage was held during the large-scale exercises - VIDEO

The armament and military equipment of the Rocket and Artillery Troops of the Azerbaijan Army involved in the exercises were inspected - VIDEO

Armament and military equipment of the Rocket and Artillery Troops of the Azerbaijan Army are withdrawn to firing positions - VIDEO

The leadership of the Ministry of Defense celebrated “Yel Chershenbesi” together with the military personnel participating in the exercises - VIDEO

During the exercises, the terrain reconnaissance was conducted - VIDEO

Large-scale exercises are continuing - VIDEO

The tank units involved in the exercises fulfill the tasks - VIDEO

During the exercises, the troops were redeployed at night - VIDEO

Redeployment of troops is held in the course of large-scale exercises - VIDEO

The troops participating in the exercises are moving to the operational areas - VIDEO

Remembrance Day was commemorated on the anniversary of the Khojaly Tragedy - VIDEO

The enemy, having attempted to commit provocation at the state border, set fire to his vehicle and retreated - VIDEO

A part of military equipment delivered from Russia was accepted into the armament - VIDEO

Rocket and artillery formations conducted live-fire exercises - VIDEO


A new batch of modern military equipment delivered to Azerbaijan - VIDEO

Military training is held with commanders in the Combined-Arms Army - VIDEO

The number of Azerbaijani peacekeepers participating in the NATO-led Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan has increased - VIDEO

The maintenance and cleaning days were held in military units - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev viewed conditions created at military unit in Aghjabadi - VIDEO

President, Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev viewed military unit in Tartar district - VIDEO

The field exit of cadets of the Azerbaijan High Military School is started - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev attended NATO's North Atlantic Council meeting - VIDEO

Azerbaijani President, NATO Secretary General made press statements - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev met with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels - VIDEO

A new residential complex of the Air Defense Unit of the Air Force of Azerbaijan was commissioned - VIDEO

Main live-fire stage of Command-Staff War Games was conducted - VIDEO

The troops of the Nakhchivan garrison continue activity in the Command-Staff War Games - VIDEO

The next stage of Command-Staff Military Games was held in the Naval Forces of Azerbaijan - VIDEO

Command-Staff War Games are continuing in the Combined-Arms Army in Nakhchivan - VIDEO

Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan signed plan of bilateral military cooperation - VIDEO

Battle flags presented to special educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense - VIDEO

Live-fire exercise was conducted in the OCC military unit - VIDEO

Field firings carried out from “Buk-MB” anti-aircraft missile systems - VIDEO

Rocket and artillery formations conducted live-fire exercises - VIDEO

The visit of Azerbaijani military seamen to Iran ended - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev chaired meeting of Cabinet of Ministers on results of socio-economic development in nine months of 2017 and future objectives - VIDEO

Azerbaijan Naval Forces’ warships depart for Iran on a friendly visit - VIDEO

Azerbaijan and Turkey discussed issues of military cooperation - VIDEO

"TurAz Qartalı - 2017" joint exercises continue - VIDEO

Combat helicopters are involved in the "TurAz Qartalı - 2017" exercises - VIDEO

Caspian Flotilla’s warships left the Baku port - VIDEO

Live-fire stage of the large-scale exercises - VIDEO

Warships of the Caspian Flotilla arrived in Baku - VIDEO

"TurAz Qartalı - 2017" joint exercises continue - VIDEO

Large-scale military exercises started in Azerbaijan - VIDEO

F-16 Fighter aircrafts of Turkish Air Force participating in "TurAz Qartalı-2017" exercises arrived in Azerbaijan - VIDEO

Another group of Turkish military aviation participating in the exercises "TurAz Qartalı-2017", arrived in Azerbaijan - VIDEO

Representatives of the Turkish Air Force taking part in the exercises "TurAz Qartalı-2017" arrived in Azerbaijan - VIDEO

Chiefs of the General Staffs of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan and Russia held a meeting in Baku - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev received delegation led by Chief of General Staff of Russian Armed Forces - VIDEO

Azerbaijan and NATO discussed issues of military cooperation - VIDEO

Su-25 attack aircrafts of the aviation military unit of the Combined-Arms Army conducted training flights in Nakhchivan - VIDEO

Solemn closing ceremony of the "Sea Cup-2017" international contest held in Baku - VIDEO

The last episode of the "Sea Cup - 2017" contest was completed in Baku - VIDEO

One of the members of the enemy sabotage group was killed by an accurate fire - VIDEO

The second stage of the "Sea Cup - 2017"contest completed - VIDEO

Azerbaijani military sailors achieved next success in the contest "Sea Cup - 2017" - VIDEO

"G-124" warship of Azerbaijan Naval Forces successfully fired at sea target - VIDEO

Artillery firings at a floating mine conducted within the framework of the "Sea Cup-2017" contest - VIDEO

The episode "Artillery firing at a floating mine" will be conducted within the "Sea Cup - 2017" contest - VIDEO

Drawing procedure was held for the stages and episodes of the "Sea Cup - 2017" contest - VIDEO

"Sea Cup - 2017" international contest officially opens in Baku - VIDEO

Press conference in connection with the beginning of the "Sea Cup - 2017" international contest held in Baku - VIDEO

Azerbaijani tank crew took part in the first stage of the "Tank Biathlon" contest - VIDEO

Press conference in connection with the international competition "Sea Cup - 2017" held in Baku - VIDEO

Introductory briefing of the international contest "Sea Cup-2017" and Judicial Commission meeting were held in Baku - VIDEO

Russian warships arrive in Baku - VIDEO

Iran and Kazakhstan’s warships arrived in Baku - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev chaired meeting of Cabinet of Ministers on results of socio-economic development in first half of 2017 and future objectives - VIDEO

Another batch of military equipment and ammunition purchased from Russia was delivered to Azerbaijan - VIDEO

The units of Armenian armed forces that were brought into combat readiness and the area of operation of battalion were shelled - VIDEO

Notification to the parents of soldiers!

Air defense tactical exercises with live-fire started in Nakhchivan - VIDEO

Russia continues delivering modern military equipment to Azerbaijan - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev opened revolver-type grenade launcher ammunition plant in Shirvan - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev inaugurated rocket-propelled grenade launcher ammunition plant in Shirvan - VIDEO

The opening of the two new military camps were held in the frontline zone - VIDEO

Live-fire stage was held during the large-scale exercises - VIDEO

Troops carry out combat tasks during the exercises – VIDEO

Armed Forces started large-scale exercises - VIDEO

Joint tactical exercises of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan and Turkey continue – VIDEO

The Great Britain’s Military Band held musical performance in Baku - VIDEO

Two military facilities of the Armenian armed forces were destroyed – VIDEO

Permanent fire position of Armenian armed forces were destroyed - VIDEO

Rocket and artillery formations conduct live-fire exercises - VIDEO

The “Osa” surface-to-air missile system of Armenia was destroyed - VIDEO

Azerbaijani-Turkish joint tactical exercises completed - VIDEO

A "Day of High-Level Observers" was held during the Azerbaijani-Turkish joint exercises - VIDEO

New military equipment delivered to Azerbaijan was accepted into the armament - VIDEO

Azerbaijani-Turkish Joint Tactical Exercises continue - VIDEO

Russia delivered a new batch of modern weapons and military equipment to Azerbaijan - VIDEO

Azerbaijan and Turkey to hold joint tactical exercises - VIDEO

Large-scale exercises - VIDEO

Troops carry out combat tasks based on the exercise plan - VIDEO

Armed Forces started large-scale exercises - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev chaired Cabinet meeting on results of first quarter of 2017 and future tasks - VIDEO

Movie "April battles are a glorious page in our history" - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev received group of servicemen on anniversary of April victories of Azerbaijani army - VIDEO

March 31 - Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis - VIDEO

An artillery strike on the enemy's strongpoint - VIDEO

The enemy’s military vehicle was destroyed - VIDEO

Our troops made a retaliatory strike on the Armenian Armed Forces' strongpoint headquarters - VIDEO

Permanent fire position and UAV of Armenian Armed Forces were destroyed - VIDEO

Measures are being taken to suppress the enemy attempts to carry out provocations on frontline - VIDEO

The next provocation of the enemy was suppressed - VIDEO

Meeting of Security Council under chairmanship of President Ilham Aliyev was held - VIDEO

Azerbaijani Defense Minister met with the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces - VIDEO

Azerbaijan and the US discussed issues of military cooperation - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev received delegation led by Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff of US - VIDEO

Another enemy provocation was foiled - VIDEO

Enemy’s military vehicle with military personnel inside was destroyed - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev met with family members of National Hero of Azerbaijan Chingiz Gurbanov - VIDEO

Destruction of the Armenian reconnaissance and sabotage group - VIDEO

Farewell ceremony held for martyred soldier Chingiz Gurbanov - VIDEO

The opening of a new military camp took place in the frontline zone - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev attended opening of new military camp of Defense Ministry's military unit - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev attended opening of soldier dormitory and military-household complex in military unit of Detached Combined Arms Army - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev chaired meeting of Cabinet of Ministers dedicated to results of socioeconomic development of 2016 and objectives for future - VIDEO

Air Defense Forces live-fire exercises to continue - VIDEO

New military camp commissioned in the frontline zone - VIDEO

Live-fire of the anti-aircraft rocket systems "Ildirim" was carried out - VIDEO

Combat aircrafts attacked the positions of conventional enemy - VIDEO

Large-scale exercises to continue - VIDEO

Supplementary ammunition and shell reserves are being created - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev visited Tartar, Barda and Aghdam districts - VIDEO

Sniper training course graduation - VIDEO

President Ilham Aliyev visited wounded servicemen at Central Military Clinical Hospital of Defense Ministry - VIDEO

The latest update on the frontline - VIDEO

"Strong Army of Powerful State" - the 97th anniversary of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan - VIDEO