Measures are being taken to suppress the enemy attempts to carry out provocations on frontline - VIDEO

During the visit of the Defence Ministry’s leadership to the frontline zone the main attention was focused on the adoption of measures to suppress attempt of the Armenian armed forces to carry out provocation in all directions of the frontline.
During inspecting the military units located on forward defence line, Defence Ministry’s leadership by means of surveillance facility watched the attempt of enemy’s reconnaissance-sabotage group to carry out provocations in Talysh and Gulistan directions. As a result of given tasks and urgent actions the enemy was forced to retreat.
Defence Ministry’s leadership visited the positions allowing control of Talish village and surrounding areas, as well as the military units located in the direction of height Leletepe and Jojug Mardjanly village and observed the enemy’s forward positions.
After meeting with the military personnel performing combat duty in the liberated from occupation territories, Minister of Defence has verified their level of combat readiness, morale and psychological state, as well as familiarized with the social and living conditions of soldiers.
After the presenting gifts to a group of servicemen who distinguished themselves in military service Ministry’s leadership had a talk with soldiers.